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RAD and a Vintage Gillette SS

Hi people, I've had an itch to buy a vintage Gillette razor for unknown reasons. I was on the The Bay and stumbled across this listing. It looks promising but I don't know what kind it is. Obviously a 40's (I just spent 20 minutes in the SS identification thread), but I am looking for something around the aggressiveness of my EJ 89. Maybe a tad more aggressive. These look like they would be cool to own and I have injured myself putting blades in the EJ many times....

It seems a little strange that it is so cheap, but I would like the price to stay under 20 w/ shipping...

The doors in the first pic look a little off, so I asked that the seller take a picture of the doors closed....Anything I am missing?
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Okay I took out the link. I am still very curious about this razor though. For less than 20, a razor that is nearly 70 years old? I just find it hard to believe.
You can find a decent deal from time to time on the Bay.
I had a lot of 3 razors that included a 54 gold ball handle Tech,a Bakelite handle(51 Gillette?)/short comb NEW head frankenrazor and one of the 40's style Super Speeds that I got for 20.00.
You have to keep a sharp eye out. I got a fat handle gold tech for $3 once, plating was 80% or better and a frankenrazor, old type head mated to a pre war plastic handle for $5, which shaves great and is in the process of being "dressed up" by Krona Kruiser.
In terms of aggressiveness, how aggressive is a 40's SS? There is no color on the tip either. All metal.
Speaking from my own experience it seems the newer the SS the tamer the razor.
I'd place my NDC SS somewhere between a regular Flair Tip SS of the mid to late 60's and a "regular" Red Tip (no double +).
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