Hi I'm going to buy one of these razors on Thursday but still undecided. Can anyone give any advice as to which one is better? Which razor is the best in quality of craft a d which one gives the closest shave? Many thanks.
Always Corvette over mini van
If you want an open comb that is not as rough as the R41 but that is more aggressive than the 15C, I suggest you look into the Fatip.
Every razor I have ever picked up has given me close comfortable shaves.
In order to make any kind of recommendation you need to provide more info about your shaves. Such as: What you are now using as a razor, for a blade, as your soap/cream, as your brush, AND most importantly why are you dissatisfied with your current set up.
Your question is sort of like asking: I am after a new car. What should I get a mini van or a Corvette ?