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Questions and need help please

Hello everyone. I am new to the straight razor scene. I have found a few razors I cant find anything on and hope you all might know something about them. Any help would be appricated.

#1 Brand - Pearl Dry

#2 Brand - Dubi Duck

#3 Brand - Curley

#4 Brand - American

#5 Brand - Henry Martin

#6 Brand - Sneyd with bakelight handle

I dont know anything about these and would like to. I also have a Aloxite hone?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
+1 on pictures.

Other than Double Duck, I'm not sure on the other brands. However, if they are made in either Germany, Sheffield or US (to name a few), I wouldn't worry too much. If you have some pictures it would be great. You should probably send them to a honemeister to get them ready, pick-up a strop and you will be set!
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