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Questions about some things I saw at a antique store

I was walking around and found a shave kit from Montclair for 15 bucks. Included is a Monclair 6001 brush, a pretty nice mug and a puck. My interest is really about the brush and if it is a good quality brush. I'm having a horrible time finding info on the brush itself.


I also saw this type of GEM for 8 bucks in pretty decent condition (forgot to get a photo). Is 8 bucks good or too much? Especially if I never use it?

Thanks guys.


  • $07-22-12_1345.jpg
    28.4 KB · Views: 98
why wouldn't you want to use a GEM Flying Wing, one of the finest razors ever produced?
8 bucks might be a bit steep, but since you're not paying shipping....
If it locks up nicely with a twist of the base then, personally, I'd go for it.
Yeah, it operated smoothly and seemed to lock tight. I've just started with a DE and am enjoying it a lot but perhaps I can go back and forth just to add variety.

why wouldn't you want to use a GEM Flying Wing, one of the finest razors ever produced?
8 bucks might be a bit steep, but since you're not paying shipping....
If it locks up nicely with a twist of the base then, personally, I'd go for it.
I'd say go for it! If it ends up being not that great of a brush you can always use it as a travel one (plus it's a nice mug too)! Good luck bud. :thumbup:
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