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Question on Mitchell's wool fat, for those prone to acne


I get mild acne off and on, and would like to get my face as clear as possible. I stopped using anything on my face that has fragrance, and am looking for a good shave soap. I know MWF has lanolin, and have read online that some think it clogs pores, some think it does not....can anyone here attest to whether MWF may make acne worse? Any other suggestions for soaps that are mild or even fragrance free?


Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
I cannot use Musgo Real, also contains lanolin and my face reacts with a burn, but have no problems with MWF.
I also am prone to an occasional outbreak of acne, but I have been using MWF for almost 2 months now and it has not caused any problems. TOBS Jerymyn shave cream for sensitive skin is also something that works for me if you are interested in trying a cream out. Best of luck!
The best thing to do is try MWF and see whether you get a reaction or not. From reading posts on MWF, skin irritation varies from person to person. If you get an adverse reaction, you can always sell it on the BST. It's very popular so you'll get takers on it.

You may want to try Pre de Provence shave soap as an alternative to MWF. The diffrence between the two, from my experience, is that MWF is more slick while PdP is more cushioing. PdP's scent is practically none existent; I need to place the tin under my nose in order to catch the fragrance, sage. Cella is a soft soap/hard cream you may want to try; it's preservative free and only has the faintest almond fragrance, at least to my nose.
MWF contains natural lanolin (as opposed to synthetic lanolin found in some kinds of cosmetic products) which is supposed to be easier on skin. MWF was mild and produced amazing slick lather but my face still couldn't handle it.

i find that the best results for me come from either a super mild soap like cella or AOS unscented. i can also use glycerin soaps. i'm getting ready to make myself some tea tree mama bear's with a tub of her unscented glycerin.

the only way to know is to try....
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