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Question for those who have had moles removed

I had a mole removed from my upper lip, near my philtrum, I would every few shaves catch it while shaving, and I envisioned it accidentally getting shaved off when I finally get around to learning the art of SR shaving. How long does it take for the area to heal up enough to shave over again? Like a fool I didn't shave last night or this morning, so I may be going through some serious withdrawl before I can shave again, though I guess I could just shave everything but my upper lip.
When I had mine removed the doctor said I could shave over it when the area healed in three or four days. In the meantime, I put my finger on the spot and shaved around it.
I got a skin tag on my neck and caught that thing once. I swear its hanging by a thread and I hate that I even have it. You could imagine my disappointment when I didn't cut that ugly thing off. I know none of that is mole related but that's a personal experience I thought of when reading this. Good luck with the shaving and just be careful while that spot heals, like ackvil said.
I got a skin tag on my neck and caught that thing once. I swear its hanging by a thread and I hate that I even have it. You could imagine my disappointment when I didn't cut that ugly thing off. I know none of that is mole related but that's a personal experience I thought of when reading this. Good luck with the shaving and just be careful while that spot heals, like ackvil said.

It may sound grizzly, but if you can deal with the pain, cut/tweeze it off =P. My GF gets them on a very rare occasion and has me yank em off with sharp hair pulling tweezers. I ended up getting one on my neck and had her do the same. It really wasn't painful for me, though mine was hardly noticeable. I've never seen them scar either (at least the small ones!!@#). I have seen some pretty big gnarly ones in the past and can't speak to the scarification in those cases.

Just a thought...
When I had mine removed the doctor said I could shave over it when the area healed in three or four days. In the meantime, I put my finger on the spot and shaved around it.

This worked very well for me when I had a mole removed just under my nose. It reduced any anxiety about accidently hitting it while shaving.
I would give it about 4 days. Had a couple removed from my back. Definitely go to a dermatologist to have it removed painlessly. Cool that my Dr used persona med lab DE blades to slice them off!
I've often wondered a) how men with moles shave and not cut them b) why more dont have the removed.

a) they do get cut sometimes, but eventually blend into your skin line so cuts become less frequent
b) removal can result in unsightly scars that are much worse
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