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Question about Clubman products

I'm interested in the virgin island bay rum a/s. Along with it i'd like to order either the lilac vegetal or the lime sec cologne. I have never smelled bay rum, not that i remember anyway. But I am curious and want it. I also came across the other two listed above. I am a fan of citrus scents and have been wanting a cologne with lime. But I am also very curious about the lilac vegetal now. I dont want to go overboard so any opinions on what the better choice would be?
Clubman bay rum smells like cinnamon and cloves, the veg smells like floral pee in the bottle but for some people when they put it on it opens up and smells quite good. the website ibrewbeer recommended is a good place to get samples, that's where I got mine. If I were you I would get all three because they're cheap and you get quite a bit.
If you want a citrus fragrance, go with Citrus Musk over Lime Sec. You might also want to search the archives here--Pinaud has been a hot topic over the years. Enjoy!
If you want a citrus fragrance, go with Citrus Musk over Lime Sec. You might also want to search the archives here--Pinaud has been a hot topic over the years. Enjoy!

Nid, you beat me to it: I was JUST about to recommend the Citrus Musk over Lime Sec as well. Consider this a "+1" then.:thumbup1:

I own both, and MUCH prefer the Citrus Musk over the Lime Sec. I agree that Lime Sec is a bit too artificial and "candy-like" -- at least for my tastes. The Citrus Musk, though, is hard to beat for an everyday summer AS.

You might also think about getting (at least a sample of) Pinaud's Eau de Portugal as well. Although it's called a hair tonic, it makes a fine AS. It's a mild orange/citrus scent that is another fine summer AS. Another clear winner is the Pinaud Classic Vanilla (which to my nose smells nothing like vanilla at all). It's hard to describe, but wonderfully masculine and timeless.:thumbup:

With all of their low-cost and high-performance offerings in a whole range of scents, I could be pretty content even if Pinaud was the only AS supplier in the world!
I apologize if this is considered thread-jacking, but I don't think it does. Pretty much the entire Pinaud line (save the obvious moustache wax and such) can all be used as an aftershave, correct?
Citrus Musk and Vanilla also gets my vote. Both are top notch. :001_smile

Another good one, although not part of the Clubman line and a little pricier is TOBS No.74 Victorian Limes AS or Cologne. Very nice scent.
I mean this in absolute seriousness. Get all of the Pinaud. Maybe even the Portugal and the Quinine (I like 'em both). They aren't too expensive and if you're paying for shipping, you might as well do it all at once. There's not much overlap in scents, and they're all (including LV) very nice.
thanks everyone. i think i might go ahead and order some samples, that seems the best way to go. i will definitely try the citrus musk now over the lime sec. and i have been looking into the tobs victorian limes cologne. i might order a bottle in the summer time.

oh and about the thread-jacking thing. it doesn't bother me, anyone has the right to add to a topic may it be a question or answers. i have received a lot of great feedback from B&B, thanks again :thumbup:
I'm interested in the virgin island bay rum a/s. Along with it i'd like to order either the lilac vegetal or the lime sec cologne. I have never smelled bay rum, not that i remember anyway. But I am curious and want it. I also came across the other two listed above. I am a fan of citrus scents and have been wanting a cologne with lime. But I am also very curious about the lilac vegetal now. I dont want to go overboard so any opinions on what the better choice would be?

If you haven't gotten any yet, I would be happy to send you sample bottles of each one. Just send your address to info @ littlestropper.com. I sell razors and sharpening supplies, but I happen to have samples bottles of bay rum and lilac.
If you haven't gotten any yet, I would be happy to send you sample bottles of each one. Just send your address to info @ littlestropper.com. I sell razors and sharpening supplies, but I happen to have samples bottles of bay rum and lilac.

Thank you for the offer, I may go ahead and order through the Clubman site though. While I pick up samples for myself i'm also thinking of getting a bottle of bay rum as a father's day gift. He is a fan of spicy scents and the burn of alcohol based aftershaves
Thank you for the offer, I may go ahead and order through the Clubman site though. While I pick up samples for myself i'm also thinking of getting a bottle of bay rum as a father's day gift. He is a fan of spicy scents and the burn of alcohol based aftershaves

Well he should like the Bay Rum for sure... it is known to have a bit of a burn to it. :lol:
While I pick up samples for myself i'm also thinking of getting a bottle of bay rum as a father's day gift. He is a fan of spicy scents and the burn of alcohol based aftershaves

Well he should like the Bay Rum for sure... it is known to have a bit of a burn to it. :lol:

Even after a decent shave with no irritation, Virgin Island Bay Rum burns like the fires of Hell for about 15 seconds. Then it calms down to a (IMHO) pleasant tingle for several minutes.:bayrum2:
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