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Question about a SR acquisition

Hello SR folks, I recently stopped by my local antique shop and found a collection of SR's that were mostly ruined (lots of rust and pitting), but I came across on SR in a box that look to be in pristine condition. Unfortunately, I was not wise enough to take a picture of this SR, but what I can tell you that it is an Oxford "fully Warranted" "Extra hollow ground" "Germainia cutl. Works" and it looks like it is 6/8 (scales are also in great shape). What I want to know is $38 a good price? Thanks and happy holidays!

The picture I've included has been acquired from the internets.

Any straight in pristine condition is worth that money IMHO. There are a few more things that can add to this being a good deal: it's of reknown and a very respected maker and it's size is 6/8 which suits a newbie as well a an experienced shaver.
I say go for it! After you get it get a cheap strop, get it honed by a member here and you're ready to go..
High quality, German Razor. I'd grab it, but try to talk the guy down to at least $30. Hope its still there! Should have grabbed it in that condition as long as it was German.
Well, good thing their shop is closed until the 5th, I'll have to run back in and grab it, thanks folks! I'll be sure post pics when I get it.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
What does pristine mean to you? Make sure the edge isn't frowning or cracked, the hone wear is relatively even, and no pitting near the edge.

A pic would be better as it is hard for a newer user to see problems with a blade. However at 30.00 it may be a worthwhile gamble :).
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