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Proraso cream

So I've been using Proraso shaving cream and have been having a rather nasty allergic reaction. I get fits of sneezing and break out in a rash. I think it's the leaf oil ingredient that's doing it since I'm allergic to pretty much all plant life. Before I discovered the reaction I have to say that I really enjoyed the cream. It left my face really minty, cold and clean. I was wondering if there was a cream that someone could recommend that left the same feeling on the face but would make me less prone to an allergic reaction. I'm still really new to wet shaving.
which handle n blades are you using with yer cream?..sometimes it takes time to find the "perfect" blade n handle combo..u know?..the quality cream will follow

Any recommendation I could make would be subject to what exactly it is that you are allergic to. If it is the Eucalyptus oil then you could try Godrej Menthol Mist or Mama Bear's soaps, but if you are allergic to the menthol itself (which is derived from mint plants) then you might just be SOL. I did try somehting called Morisons Cool Citrus which has a light cooling effect because of the Aloe Vera it contains, but it isn't even in the same league as the menthol products in terms of getting you a freezer face.
if you can handle the menthol, even the gillette menthol cream from italy is a great and very cold cream. I would try it.
I had the same problem with both Proraso creme and Musgo Real creme. I started making lather and applying it to my face and just leaving it there for 10 minutes. If there was any redness, I stopped using the product. All cremes did this to me. The shea butter soaps with extra glycerin were far and away the best. You can get samples from Mama Bear for a buck or so and you could test them on your face. I really like the Rosemary w/Mint. She has all kinds of soaps. As for cremes, somebody else will need to help.
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