Read a post by Kyle, I believe, about how he'd started to hold a towel to his whiskers to soften them up prior to shaving. Combining that with all those old-tyme movie/cartoons in which the barber slings a steaming towel over a reclining customer, I modified the approach a bit and (A) heated a bowl of water in the microwave (B) lathered up (C) dipped towel in water and wrung it out and finally (D) laid down on a nearby sofa (literally 4 steps from bathroom) and did the old-tyme routine of towel on face for 2 - 3 minutes. Interestingly, all the lather disappeared at the end.
The result was quite striking. For sure, the best shave I've had yet. And the least ouchie when going across the grain under the chin (which, I gotta admit, is the least pleasant bit of the whole shaving adventure).
The result was quite striking. For sure, the best shave I've had yet. And the least ouchie when going across the grain under the chin (which, I gotta admit, is the least pleasant bit of the whole shaving adventure).