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Praise for the Slim and Big Ben Blade

Just finished shaving with my Gillette Slim loaded with a Big Ben blade in the blue pack (from Lord). Lathered up with VDH and my Tweezerman brush, and did my usual 4 pass shave with 1 WTG pass set on 9, 2 XTG passes set on 7, and 1 ATG pass set on 5. It's crazy how close and smooth the shave was!:w00t: Almost 0 burn from the Adidas Sport Fever AS I used. I'm very impressed. I've used both the Slim and the Big Ben Blades on many shaves, but never in combination. Good stuff!:biggrin1:
my slim was set at 6 for a 3 pass shave and I am still facetubating almost 12 hrs later... impressive!
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