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Possible to overmix soap?

In my quest for the perfect lather I've been making test lathers. The usual routine is to place an almond size bit of the soap into the bowl and then with a well shaken brush, begin mixing. Today's trial was Mystic Water Coconut. I added about 2 tsp water, 1/4 tsp at a time, over 5 - 7 minutes. I never got the lather explosion but I did achieve a slick (though rather thin) lather. OK, the question: is it possible to overwork the soap so that even when the perfect soap/water ratio is reached, it doesn't come together properly?

So far I've been good making lather with TOBS and Proraso, but MW is giving me problems.
It actually turns to butter if you whip it too much.

As far as I'm concerned, no. Seems to be logarithmic. Diminishing returns (at different points depending on soap and technique), but it never is bad to work soap in and of itself. You can of course let lathers dry out WHILE working them if you don't keep the lather moisturized, but that's not the working to blame.


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5-7 min of working the brush in the bowl or wherever you are lathering, seems way too long if you ask me.

not sure if it breaks down, but once you get a good looking lather, stop and use it. if it's taking forever, you probably have too much water
It sounds like you're not getting enoght product on the brush. I would suggest loading on the full size puck instead of placing a bit on the bowl. More surface area for the brush to pick up the soap. One the brush is nice and loaded take it to the bowl to start working up your lather.
It sounds like you're not getting enoght product on the brush. I would suggest loading on the full size puck instead of placing a bit on the bowl. More surface area for the brush to pick up the soap. One the brush is nice and loaded take it to the bowl to start working up your lather.

+1. This. It's not a cream -- it's a soap. You need to swirl the brush over the entire area of the soap, not just work a little nugget of soap in a bowl.
To finish out this thread -

After more experimenting and reading the entire Mystic Water vs RazoRock thread here and some pm's from Michelle, I've come to the conclusion that at the first addition of water I was already past the sweet spot ratio. The last few test lathers and shaves, I've dialed back the water and am getting much better results. My last shave was with MW Coconut (load on the puck and bowl lather) and I got a thick, slick lather that truly moisturized my face. I didn't use any aftershave or balm, but my face was soft and supple all day - even in the dry cold we have here in Alaska.
This is some darn fine soap, and I don't even have it completely dialed in yet! Mystic Water may kick TOBS Avocado out of my top spot.
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Great news!

Mystic Waters is terrific stuff - I used it today - and Michelle really cares about her customers and is very helpful.

Yeah, after I started this thread she pm'd me within 15 minutes. That's customer service.

BTW - I've got a DB Bill Bowl on order just like the one you had made. Hope you don't mind!
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