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Pocket notebook that uses standard 3x5 legal pads?

Do they even exist? i'm looking for something like THIS (clicky). The problem is from what i can tell, none of the "jotters" on amazon use standard mini (3"x5") legal pads. I take a lot of notes, but i dont want to get a "pocket notebook" because i need to be able to rip pages out and most of the pocket notebooks i see have special binding just so the paper doesnt come out easily!

I've been using cheap Mead memo pads for a long time, they work, but the wire binding always manages to get bent so bad the pad never opens all the way or the paper starts to fall out.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, that i CAN find jotters that i'm looking for, but ALL of the places i've found have been "promotional" websites where you need to order a minimum of 50-100 just to order.
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Yeah, Levenger is nice, i was thinking of getting one of those, but i dont know how many sheets of paper it can hold. On a day of heavy use i could go through 30 sheets of paper, which is why i was looking for something that holds mini legal pads. I'm not filling up the paper or anything, but i write a few notes on the page, rip it out, and hand it off.
Doing a search of Rhodias website, i found that they have a notepad holder that is 3 ¾ x 5 ¼ inches.....
While the refill pads are 3 3/8 x 4 ¾

That seems like it might work with 3x5 legal pads. I wonder if anyone here knows?
well, i ordered the Rhodia Pad Holder #12, extra #12 pad, and a soft cover pocket moleskine notebook. When i finally do run out of the #12 paper, a mini legal pad SHOULD fit into the holder very nicely. Yay for no more frillies on my paper!!!
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