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Plan on getting an EJ De89lbl!

Hi guys, long time lurker, and decided to register so this is my first post here so go easy on me!!! :001_tt2:

So anyway, I plan on getting the De89lbl from Amazon seeing that it's only 34 bucks and comes with 5 Derby blades after spending a solid week researching the various brands and reading lots of topic here! It has 157 reviews, nearly all of which are 5 star reviews so it must be good! At first I was tempted to buy a Merkur but I was concerned about the quality. The Edwin Jagger seems very clean and sleek, along with it's massive head where the blade is. I'm 18 and I have sensitive skin, as well as large hands, so I thought it was time to invest in a razor that is cheaper to use and easier on my face than Walgreen's 5 blade disposable razors! So I am what you guys call a "first-timer" so I was here to ask what should I expect from the De89lbl? I know nicks will be inevitable the first time around, but I am so looking forward to the ease cutting the hair with less irritation! Thanks!

But if anyone has any other razor suggestions please point them out!
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Great razor for the new user and the old user alike. You'll think you've outgrown it and sell the first one, but you'll go back to it again and again. The DE89 is such a great razor
Check out the tutorials around here, especially Mantic59's videos on Youtube. That's a great place to start.

Remember that a DE razor is not a cartridge razor. Therefore, don't press the razor against your skin like you would a cartridge razor. Instead, let the weight of the razor glide along your skin. You shouldn't use any pressure at all.

Anyways, welcome and enjoy.
So it sounds like I am on the right track here. I have a question about shaving brushes too. I plan on ordering this Kingsley below. I have never really heard of this brand and I hope someone here can tell me if this is a good brush or not. I currently am using the Proraso shaving paste with a cheap 7 dollar boar bristle I got from Walgreens. It get's the job done...but that's after 10 minutes of frantic shaking lol.


But if anyone has any other suggestion please let me know. There were some cheaper "synthetic badger hair" ones, but I have no experience with them.
Welcome 2 B&B. You are off 2 a great start with the EJ89. That is a great DE razor and it is a thing of chrome beauty. Wow... only 18... I only wished I started DE shaving when I was that age.


I looked at the Tweezerman one but I saw that some people received previously used ones, barely cleaned and showed some wear and tear. The pictures explain it. I really don't like the boar brush I have currently. All it does is itch my face :p I think I might go with the Kingsley
As a fellow newbie, I have had good luck with Edwin Jagger. Take your time, don't press it into your skin, but just hold it so that it rides smoothly on your face. Takes me about 15-20 minutes to shave with this and a brush/soap compared to about 3 minutes with a Schick Hydro and can of goo. I personally did not really like my first two Derby blades, changed to Astra was much better for me. It isn't difficult by any means, but if you are careless you can expect razor burn and/or missed areas. Edwin Jagger will bite if provoked.

Brushes are my attention getter. I love looking at all the shapes, materials, finishes, manufacturers, etc. But, I kinda think that maybe as long as they make a lather and you can get it worked into your beard it may not really matter if it cost a buck or a couple hundred. I only have one, it is a Semogue 1438, and I like it. (don't tell my wife):wink2:
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You will nick yourself! Be prepared for strong perserverence and be prepared to spend alot on blades and brushes and blades and soaps and creams and blades and some more razors too! You;re gonna love it! I would also recommend Mike Hams book- Liesure Guys Guide! Amazon sells it pretty cheap. Best of luck to you- it is a great razor- but like a gun- it aint the weapon- it is the hand that wields the weapon!
Check out the tutorials around here, especially Mantic59's videos on Youtube. That's a great place to start.

Anyways, welcome and enjoy.

Remember that a DE razor is not a cartridge razor. Therefore, don't press the razor against your skin.

+1. And by that we mean NO Pressure at all:biggrin1: you will think you are not using pressure but trust us, you are :biggrin1: did you hear us, we said no pressure!!
As a fellow newbie, I have had good luck with Edwin Jagger. Take your time, don't press it into your skin, but just hold it so that it rides smoothly on your face. Takes me about 15-20 minutes to shave with this and a brush/soap compared to about 3 minutes with a Schick Hydro and can of goo. I personally did not really like my first two Derby blades, changed to Astra was much better for me. It isn't difficult by any means, but if you are careless you can expect razor burn and/or missed areas. Edwin Jagger will bite if provoked.

Brushes are my attention getter. I love looking at all the shapes, materials, finishes, manufacturers, etc. But, I kinda think that maybe as long as they make a lather and you can get it worked into your beard it may not really matter if it cost a buck or a couple hundred. I only have one, it is a Semogue 1438, and I like it. (don't tell my wife):wink2:

Yeah, a lot of people say that the Derby's get dully after like 2 or 3 shaves. I'll more than likely get a sample pack after the Derbys are used up. My disposable razors get used at least 5 times before I throw them out :p Btw, how long does a DE blade last?
Remember that a DE razor is not a cartridge razor. Therefore, don't press the razor against your skin.

+1. And by that we mean NO Pressure at all:biggrin1: you will think you are not using pressure but trust us, you are :biggrin1: did you hear us, we said no pressure!!

+++++1 on all comments. Gave the EJ89L a go but wasn't quite prepared for it. I've decided to go old school with a '57 Gillette Super speed Flare until I perfect my technique.

Remember, don't press down. Take your time. Those quick 10 min shaves with the multiblade are a thing of the past for now.

Oh, and get yourself a nice alum block. Has done wonders for me taking care of the weepers/nicks/burns etc....will let you know how you're doing. In the past week I've found my technique has improved due to the fact that the alum block stings less and less.
As much as I love to spend money on a great shave, my budget is only in the 60's, barely enough to cover the DE89lbl and the Kingsley (63.94 to be exact with Amazon) and of course, my town has no shaving stores that I know of except a cigar place that sells AoS soaps and oils...or are most shave places local? I envy those near the C.O. Bigelow stores!
Yeah, a lot of people say that the Derby's get dully after like 2 or 3 shaves. I'll more than likely get a sample pack after the Derbys are used up. My disposable razors get used at least 5 times before I throw them out :p Btw, how long does a DE blade last?

Tonite I did day four on an Astra, it wasn't bad at all but I won't be going for day five. One more thought for you, for safety's sake get or re-purpose a blade bank. I bought a small ceramic piggy bank at the dollar store that works great!
As much as I love to spend money on a great shave, my budget is only in the 60's, barely enough to cover the DE89lbl and the Kingsley (63.94 to be exact with Amazon) and of course, my town has no shaving stores that I know of except a cigar place that sells AoS soaps and oils...or are most shave places local? I envy those near the C.O. Bigelow stores!

Im sure you live near a Mall? Bath and Body Works sells CO Bigelow. It's good stuff.
I went to Target yesterday and they had a stock of Van Der Hagen stuff, cheaper than at Amazon, incl badge brushes (at $9) etc.
In fact a lot of supermarkets now stock them as well and you can get a brush/bowl/soap for about 10 bucks.
Even though their boar brush sheds it is still better than the tweezerman brush. The one i got was a disgrace (smelled bad, very prickly bristles) and a waste of money. Plunk 30 bucks and get a brush that you would use for years instead of that smelly little thing.
Any way you look at it, Gillette robs your with their Mach cartridges at much more than the initial DE investment, so go nuts.
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Definitely a good choice to start with the DE89. It's a great razor and easy to learn with. You will not be dissapointed!
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