I noticed a small amount of rust in the cap of my Pils this morning. This issue has been addressed before in this thread by Poonjaji and I'm sure by others as well. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture but the extent of the rust was much less than what Michael documented. I bought my razor off BST about a year ago, so really have no idea when it was manufactured.
The rust appeared in the difficult to reach 45 degree angle where the top & sides of the cap meet. I applied some Maas Metal Polish with a Q-Tip to the affected area then wrapped the tip of a butter knife with a micro-fiber cloth to polish it out. Worked like a charm; no visible rust at all. Beginning to end it took about 5 minutes including polishing the rest of the head & handle.
The rust appeared in the difficult to reach 45 degree angle where the top & sides of the cap meet. I applied some Maas Metal Polish with a Q-Tip to the affected area then wrapped the tip of a butter knife with a micro-fiber cloth to polish it out. Worked like a charm; no visible rust at all. Beginning to end it took about 5 minutes including polishing the rest of the head & handle.