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GIVEAWAY! PIF: Simpson Trafalgar T3

Great Pif. Congrats to the one that will get it. I am in.

Posting one of my 3 boar brushes.
I have never tried a Simpson before. Great gesture for this community.


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Not in since I have quite a few brushes. But thank you for your generosity and for showing the true B&B spirit.
I'm in but I live in Asia so if shipping is crazy, then feel free to skip me.

I'm using an Omega boar now and I would love to try a "high end" brush from Simpson. Never used a synthetic since my first brush which was a cheap Omega synthetic from years ago. I don't have it anymore though.
I'm in, thank you for this generous offer!

Why I haven't tried the Simpson Trafalgar T3: Well, until 3 months ago, I was using a cartridge and canned goop. Now I'm trying better creams and am just coming around to the fact that a good brush would probably help too.

My current brush:
I'm a DE newbie! No brush for me yet sir. Shaving is a ritual to me now, not a routine. First two (Merkur Progress, Gillette Fatboy) were passed down from family and the last two (Gillette Super Speed Red Tip, Gillette Goodwill) I acquired via FB Marketplace. I've learned so much during my early journey thanks to the B&B community! Congrats to whomever the winner may be!


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I’m in, I never tried the T3 before because I already have a brush and the chap I shared a room with at the hotel Memorial Medical stroke rehab unit that talked me into trying wet shaving (even neither my dominant hand or arm were functional at the time) said I needed a badger brush. So that’s what I got.

Reason #2 I’m a Scot and I’m cheap.

Reason #3 Even though I worked hard regain the function of my hand and arm, my brain is still a work in progress. I go back and forth between being indecisive and impulsive, with the acquisition of a new brush I’m stuck in the indecisive mode. Too many choices!

Here’s my brush that I picked up in impulsive mode.



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What the heck, I'm In. Thanks for your generosity and opening it up to outside CONUS.

I haven't tried it as I didn't even know it existed. I was away for a while and am just catching up on the new items available. The only sythetic(s) I own are RazoRock.

My current brush is a Simpson M7 Manchurian, purchased in 2014 from another member. I go back and forth between this and a couple others.

This is a very generous PIF, and I'd love to play! This is the only pic I can find of my current one:

View attachment 1362692

It's this though:

View attachment 1362694

Obviously I bought it because of the pirate theme, and it seems to work alright. But it'd be even better to have one courtesy of a genuine pirate...

(And obviously - the reason I haven’t tried a T3 yet is because of its seeming lack of any kind of piratical association... until now!!!).
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