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PIF: Christmas PIF for the unemployed

With Christmas rapidly approaching at our kids school and our church we have been involved in Operation Christmas Child which sends packages of gifts to those who cannot afford them each Christmas.

The other day I noticed somebody post in a thread somewhere, I can't remember who, about being unemployed in the lead up to Christmas. This got me thinking and while it is only on a small scale I figured I can at least brighten up one person's Christmas. So here is the

'Have a years shaving on me' Christmas PIF for the unemployed.

The package will contain:

  • Vintage Gillette British #58 Set (more pics of it here)
  • Edwin Jagger Medium Super Badger Brush with stand (used for about six months)
  • 100 Astra Superior Platinum DE blades
  • TOBS St James Collection Luxury Shaving Cream

All these items will be shipped to your door, hopefully in time for Christmas. The obvious oversight is aftershave or cologne but shipping these by airmail is unfortunately problematic.

This is going to be a PIF built on trust. The rules are as follows but obviously some will be impossible for me to 'police', I'm appealing to your better nature to be honest about these things.

  1. Entry is open to any B&B member who is unemployed.
  2. If between entering and the draw and win please let me know when I contact you - the winner must be unemployed at that time too.
  3. Enter by posting - 'I'm in' in this thread. If this is too embarassing PM me and I will post a proxy entry for you. I'm not trying to make people feel bad.
  4. Entries close 5pm AEDT on 11 November [new earlier date which will ensure delivery before Christmas] (see time in Canberra here). This should allow postage which will arrive before Christmas.
  5. All entries will be assigned a number and a winner chosen by random.org number generation

I realise that the winner may already have some of this stuff and/or you may not like one of the components and/or circumstances may get even tighter and you may want to liquidate what is a collectible vintage Gillette. Once you receive the prize it is yours and you can do with it what you will, use, PIF, sell, whatever. I hope nobody enters to get the stuff and flip it to make a buck - this is up to you though and on your conscience.

If the winner would prefer another razor rather than the #58 we can talk about it and see what I have available at the time.

Happy shaving and wishing you a blessed and joyous Christmas! :001_smile
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Thanks for comments all. No entrants yet - which may in fact be a GOOD sign!

Feel free to make it know around the forum though.

Because a few people have asked, when we were in the US last Christmas we saw an exhibition of prints from the Saint Johns Bible. While not Catholic ourselves it is an absolutely incredible work and very beautiful.

We purchased while there a little book - Praying the Word. I thought it opened to the very well known Psalm 23 would be a suitable Christmas backdrop!
I'm unemployed but I've got enough shaving gear and software to make it to 2013 at least. Very nice gesture on your part and I hope some worthy soul gets a real nice piece of shaving kit.
Count me in... I have been unemployed for about 8 months and now have used all my savings. If I win though I will just take the soap so someone else can also have a Christmas too :001_smile

Thanks for this great pif :w00t:
A wonderful gesture Mark. Thanks from me as well on behalf of all of those out there trying to find work!
I'm in!

I've been unemployed since December last year to care for my disabled mother (details are in my profile.) I'm not sure if voluntarily being unemployed counts though. It was impossible to keep my job and take care of her and there was absolutely no way I was going to put her in a nursing home, so I quit my job and moved back home.

Either way, thank you for this amazing PIF! No matter how often I see it, I am continually amazed by the generosity displayed by our friends here at B&B.
Thank you for having the true spirit of Christmas in you, and even though I am not working and would love to win this, I do have an income so I feel I must disqualify myself. I truly hope that someone that could use this wins and that no one takes advantage of your good will. I would also like to wish you and yours all the best in the future.

George Mason
Thanks all for your kind words but I'm giving out of what I have - nothing special really.

I've also been contacted by another member and a vendor, both wanting to remain anonymous, offering to provide aftershave to the winner if the winner is located in the US.

Some great guys around this forum!
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