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Palmolive shave stick

B&B member planto and I did a little international product swap, and I was the lucky recipient of two Palmolive shave sticks. Wow, these things are great! I milled one into a bowl to use with a brush, and left the other in stick form. This morning I rubbed the stick on my noggin in the shower and then used a brush to work up some lather in order to shave my head. I believe this stuff works better than Headslick.

For my face I used an Ever-Ready brush and it worked up a great bowl of lather almost instantly. Shaved with my beloved Clog Pruf and a Ted Pella blade and got an outstanding shave. Next I plan on trying the stick on my face, something I've never done. I really like the fragrance as well.

Thanks Ivan, and if anyone gets a chance to try a Palmolive shave stick grab it, you won't be sorry.
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I shaved with Palmolive yesterday. I just love this stuff. Quite slick, easy to lather and the scent is so fresh and clean.

I had a hankering for La Toja today, another great shave stick. :thumbup1:

It really is great soap, on par with tabac. However i must ask as ive heard its been reformulated and no longer contains any tallow. There is even a rather large ebay post that states palmolive sticks no longer contain any tallow, can anyone verify this?
In Belgium the stick is with tallow, made in germany, don't think it will be reformulated.

Great soap btw.
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This is great stuff considering its 50p/ $0.75, and its the tallow version, cant go wrong if you live in the uk of course.
This is the made in Germany version with the GUT (2,2) marking on it and the first two ingredients are Potassium Hydrogenated Tallowate and Sodium Tallowate. It's the good stuff!
I've been using palmolive basically everyday for the past two weeks. Didn't really like it at first, but as I've gotten to know the soap I'm beginning to really like it. The lather is great and the scent is growing on me.

I actually purchased a steal of a deal a couple weeks ago on BST for this palmolive, spieck, la Toja, Godrej, Monsaven, wilkenson sword, and half a stick of irish moos for $20. I'm going to see how long all this stuff lasts, one product at a time so that I know which ones to repurchase. European palmolive - check (La Toja and the moos check as well :thumbup:).
As far as I know BullGoose still advertises Palmolive. (with Tallow)


Yep, I just received an order from Phil on Monday and it is still the tallow formula from Germany.

I have just gotten into shave sticks and Palmolive is my favorite so far. I love the lather and scent.
Euro Palmolive is as good as any soap out there.
I love the stuff!

+1 on that. After reading this thread yesterday I lathered up with Palmolive last night and got a BBS with it. I love Palmolive and especially as it's so cheap here.

Tom, next time you need some Palmolive let me know and i'll PIF you some.
+1 on that. After reading this thread yesterday I lathered up with Palmolive last night and got a BBS with it. I love Palmolive and especially as it's so cheap here.

Tom, next time you need some Palmolive let me know and i'll PIF you some.

I will remember that,Mick!
It really is great soap, on par with tabac. However i must ask as ive heard its been reformulated and no longer contains any tallow. There is even a rather large ebay post that states palmolive sticks no longer contain any tallow, can anyone verify this?

I can tell you that the ebay post is false. Two weeks ago I ordered 3 Palmolive sticks from them and they were the "Gut 2,2" variety with the first two ingredients being potassium tallowate and sodium tallowate.

I'm not sure why they have that written on the sale page? Clearly they didn't read the back of the box.
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I remember seeing a an old thread here(I think) talking about the shave stick and soap ingrediants being the same. Has anyone ever compared the two to see if the palmolive bar soap(dollar store old formula) is the same? Tia!



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
In Australia we can no longer get the tallow version. I was lucky enough to get some the other week from a fellow Great Southern Land member and, after a couple of blind testings with the two types, I can tell you... the tallow versions lather is far superior to the non tallow.
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