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Palm Pre Plus

So I have finally decided to turn in my old flip-phone for a new "smart" phone. After some consideration, and because of my limitations to the Verizon network for a corporate discount, I am leaning to buying a Palm Pre Plus. I was wondering if anyone else here owns this phone? How does it perform? How does it stack up to other smart phones such as the Blackberry or I-phone? And Finally, Would you suggest another Verizon phone?

Thanks in advance for any help.
So I have finally decided to turn in my old flip-phone for a new "smart" phone. After some consideration, and because of my limitations to the Verizon network for a corporate discount, I am leaning to buying a Palm Pre Plus. I was wondering if anyone else here owns this phone? How does it perform? How does it stack up to other smart phones such as the Blackberry or I-phone? And Finally, Would you suggest another Verizon phone?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I have verizon and am thinking of getting one. Our IT Director has one and loves it.
I did not have that phone but had another palm phone and hated it... did the blackberry storm and did not like that either. Finally got the Droid and it is by far the best phone from Verizon that I have used
HP recently bought Palm. I'd be cautious about buying a phone from Palm for that reason. It is unclear how support, app development, and peripheral development will work going forward.
HP recently bought Palm. I'd be cautious about buying a phone from Palm for that reason. It is unclear how support, app development, and peripheral development will work going forward.

X2. I'd wait and see what HP does with Palm. Right now, you might buy into an obsolete platform.

I did some homework on different phones when my contract expired a couple of months back. I nearly went with an Android phone on Verizon, but liked the iPhone 4 so much I stuck with AT&T, despite not liking them. I'll see what's available in two years - I'd sure like to dump AT&T.
HP recently bought Palm. I'd be cautious about buying a phone from Palm for that reason. It is unclear how support, app development, and peripheral development will work going forward.

I had no idea about this development. This makes me more reticent to buy the device especially considering HP's laptop quality.
Also windows is probably going to kill windows mobile OS again. I saw it in print some where maybe fast company or wirered
I have the palm pre (sprint). The only difference is my phone has less memory space. The verizon phone (palm pre plus) has 2x as much. I love this phone. If you want to be able to open 5 spps, email,text, 10 different B&B pages...this phone is for you! The actual phone feels a little on the cheap side, but I haven't had any real problems. This is my 2nd( dropped the 1st and raked the screen). In fact, I am using it right now to write this post. There are 100's of free apps for it, and 100's you have to pay for as well. But I like it a lot!!if you have very large fingers,u may have issues typing. I suggest cnet.com, they have a nice video review I think.
Also windows is probably going to kill windows mobile OS again. I saw it in print some where maybe fast company or wirered

Yes, Windows Phone 7 is expected to be here in October. They must be shooting for holiday sales.

It'll be interesting to see how Apple reacts. They cut the prices on iPods when the Zune was released... maybe the iPhone will drop another $100 or so when this rolls out.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I would really go into the store and play with it. I have "normal" size hands, and I find that the keyboard is extremely small and cramped. I often times press more than one button at a time when texting. I LOVE the palm platform and enjoy their products, but this didnt cut it.

I have a Blackberry Storm now, and im sick of it. I actually ordered a HTC Incredible on the Droid platform, and it should be arriving by the 3rd.

Good luck on your phone!!
Yes, Windows Phone 7 is expected to be here in October. They must be shooting for holiday sales.

It'll be interesting to see how Apple reacts. They cut the prices on iPods when the Zune was released... maybe the iPhone will drop another $100 or so when this rolls out.

not sure it will have much of an effect on apple seeing as how Microsoft just cant design anything people actually want.

A good indicator is the way people talk about their products. I have heard lots of people say how neat their HTC or Droid or Palm is I've heard how convinat Blackberries are "for work" but I have only ever heard people say they love Iphones.
not sure it will have much of an effect on apple seeing as how Microsoft just cant design anything people actually want.

A good indicator is the way people talk about their products. I have heard lots of people say how neat their HTC or Droid or Palm is I've heard how convinat Blackberries are "for work" but I have only ever heard people say they love Iphones.

Then again, the blackberries and others are geared to something you can "work" on. the Iphone is just a phone with apps. (well, I guess any phone is just a phone with apps :001_rolle). Not to mention I don't think too many companies are paying top dollar for the Iphone for thgeir employees to use. The iphone is neat (my brother has it). But I am used to the mulitasking on th webOS that right now, nothing compares. Ok, sometimes I wish I could have some of the same Iphone apps on my phone, but It is not worth switching carriers and all just for that...
I have the Pre Plus. One of the only reasons that I bought it is that you can set up a "Hot Spot" which works for my wife and myself. She lives 50 miles from work and can work one day a week from home. We use to have Satellite and it is unusable because of the lag for her work environment. When we got our phones 5GB of just "Hot Spot" data a month was thrown into the plan. If you wanted to set carry a "Hot Spot" device in the past it was $59/month. We also have a Web Book that we travel with and it is really very good because we can get reception while we are driving.

The phone is pretty good and I like most of the features. It is pretty fast and doesn't lock up. There are not as many Apps as other phones but I have an IPAQ that I do all my stuff like that with. One thing I do not like is the way that you must sync the phone to your laptop. You really need to buy another program just for that purpose unless you want to sync over the internet and I don't like leaving my personal information remote on the net.

One thing you could do is buy a phone at E-Bay and that way you don't have to sign up for a 2 year contract you could just do month to month. Phones and the whole communication industry is going to go crazy in the next 2 years with data and devices that we can't really see right not and if you want to buy out of a plan it is expensive.

I got the Otter Box protective case and if you don't get that one just get one along with a screen protector.

Take care,
A lot of good information here, so thanks everyone for the assistance. I think I will buy the phone this weekend, despite some calls to be patient, and tell you how I like it later. Obviously, my Samsung flip-phone needs an update so I am just too tired of waiting it out for another generation of phones.
Then again, the blackberries and others are geared to something you can "work" on. the Iphone is just a phone with apps. (well, I guess any phone is just a phone with apps :001_rolle). Not to mention I don't think too many companies are paying top dollar for the Iphone for thgeir employees to use. The iphone is neat (my brother has it). But I am used to the mulitasking on th webOS that right now, nothing compares. Ok, sometimes I wish I could have some of the same Iphone apps on my phone, but It is not worth switching carriers and all just for that...

This isn't the Iphone vs bberry thread but I have tried both and as some one who runs a small business I find the Iphone way more efficient. If I was part of a large corporate structure and said paid for my hand set and a good part of my bill I could see a blackberry having some useful features (BBM, outlook sync) and I would have a tec guy to fix it every few weeks when it breaks.

But in a creative industry where macs are standard and we use a combination of Ical and Google Calender, run my mail client and personal email separately and have industry spefic apps I use every day the choice was clear. (not to mention it only breaks when I drop it, not when I try to change the settings)
I own the Palm Pre Plus on VZW. I love the WebOS and it's very easy to use - it offers true multitasking and doesn't require a sync to your computer to import things like contacts. Also, I anticipate that HP will support and even expand the use of WebOS (the acquisition of which is why they bought Palm).

That said, there are some things I don't like about the phone, mostly involving the keyboard. The keys are a little small for my large hands and the keys don't always register when I type. This is definitely something you should try for yourself.

All in all I have no regrets about buying this phone.

Good luck shopping!
I only skimmed this thread, so maybe some of what I'll say has been said, but I really enjoy my PPP. I have Verizon, and in this area it is the best coverage out of all of the major networks. The phone is fast, reliable, and easy to use.

The main reason (they say) that HP bought Palm was because of the faith they have in the WebOS platform, so I don't see it going anywhere, but I think development will be slow for a while (all the while loosing ground to Android). For the price, however, the phone can't be beat-- at one time they offered this phone, which has 16G of storage, 512MB of ram, and a decent processor for BOGO Free @ $29. Also the mobile hotspost are a nice feature that Verizon gave me for free.

The customization of the phone is pretty cool too. With Homebrew apps, themes, and patches you really shouldn't be disappointed.
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