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Osyri's Randomness Journal

I’m jealous, @Osyri My shaves take often forever. You’ve inspired me.

Built For Speed

Same. I enjoy my shaves now and don’t expect to be as quick as I was with carts since I expect better results now. Still, I have other things to do and can’t be taking up residence in the bathroom either.

Was only finding something to keep shaving fun, when you are traveling constantly and only use the same 4 shave items, I need something to stop my mind from thinking of my BB at home!


SOTD Balin "Bad Santa" inspired shave


Prewar Tech w/ GSB (3)
Synthetic Brush

I just did a XTG pass this afternoon as I wanted to participate in the GSB thread and show my support!

Accidentally found out that once you applied on the shave stick on your face, if you lathered it up and soften with your hands first before using the brush, You can lathered up a lot quicker. My face hasn't fully recover enough for another ATG pass but just enough for a XTG pass.


Likes a fat handle in his hand
If I am forced to do a last minute quick shaving in the morning, because of some special function I have to go to, thats when I will instead use my Henson razor, and a shaving stick. No regular soap jars or lather bowls for quick shaves. I can usually get a single WTG only pass done quick shaving with a Henson AL13 ++, in only 5 minutes. But rest assured, its not an enjoyable shave if I do that, I call them utility quick shaves. No pre-shave will be used, no alum block will be used, only a quick splash of aftershave and out. Probably 8-10-minutes total shave den time spent.

But since I prefer to shave in the evening, I am able to get that luxury, of a nice slow pampering shave. I prefer to go slow and take my time with it. Plus, if you add the time it takes me to pre-shave, then shave, then aftershave, then cleanup, it will be 1-hour by the time I have left the shave den. Plus, you might as well treat yourself, give your hair a bit of a wash too, then throw in some layrite hair cream, and then begin styling with the skeleton brush, and using my barber grade Wahl dryer. So, maybe add another 15-minutes or so to accomplish that task, and by the time I am out of there, I look like a million bucks, and I feel like it as well.

BTW, PRO-Tip about Layrite. It actually stays in your hair longer then you think! If you spray your hair with water, a couple of times with a fine spray mister bottle, you can re-brush it, without adding more, and it will continue to retain its styled shape. This means you don't necessarily have to redoo everything the next morning, just a quick touch up to remove the bed hair, that Layrite stuff is a miracle in a little jar container let me tell you. See, I prefer to shave, and to take my showers in the evening, if you have figured it out already, I don't like to rush.
If I am forced to do a last minute quick shaving in the morning, because of some special function I have to go to, thats when I will instead use my Henson razor, and a shaving stick. No regular soap jars or lather bowls for quick shaves. I can usually get a single WTG only pass done quick shaving with a Henson AL13 ++, in only 5 minutes. But rest assured, its not an enjoyable shave if I do that, I call them utility quick shaves. No pre-shave will be used, no alum block will be used, only a quick splash of aftershave and out. Probably 8-10-minutes total shave den time spent.

But since I prefer to shave in the evening, I am able to get that luxury, of a nice slow pampering shave. I prefer to go slow and take my time with it. Plus, if you add the time it takes me to pre-shave, then shave, then aftershave, then cleanup, it will be 1-hour by the time I have left the shave den. Plus, you might as well treat yourself, give your hair a bit of a wash too, then throw in some layrite hair cream, and then begin styling with the skeleton brush, and using my barber grade Wahl dryer. So, maybe add another 15-minutes or so to accomplish that task, and by the time I am out of there, I look like a million bucks, and I feel like it as well.

BTW, PRO-Tip about Layrite. It actually stays in your hair longer then you think! If you spray your hair with water, a couple of times with a fine spray mister bottle, you can re-brush it, without adding more, and it will continue to retain its styled shape. This means you don't necessarily have to redoo everything the next morning, just a quick touch up to remove the bed hair, that Layrite stuff is a miracle in a little jar container let me tell you. See, I prefer to shave, and to take my showers in the evening, if you have figured it out already, I don't like to rush.
I also don't like rushing my shaves but when you are traveling and with my traveling shave set, there is only so much I can do with it.

The primary reason I was able to get sub 3 minute shave is because I don't have to clean up the hotel sink, floor, mirror, and worry about the towels.

When I do have time, My shaves usually take about 30-40 minutes, 5-10 minutes of it is lathering and getting as much of the soap scent as I can and playing with the mister that you recommended.
I use a dab of glue, comes in a blue tube, cant remember the name at this time, but, it's even better.


I guess whatever works for you! I often use petroleum jelly for styling

I saw your photo Uncle Doug (I have a similar haircut) and I sport a longer version of the flattop, Its quite easy to maintain, if i get bedhead, usually some water and promade will take care of it in a minute or 2.

I have something I am really curious about : Is there a member on B&B that you are curious about their shaves? As I rarely venture out of Journals, I was thinking if @Eric_75 has ever shared a shave. I tried search his username, and nothing came up. Only one and done and headshavers came up with 1 liners

Uncle Eric, give me a Xmas gift by sharing one of your shave with your favorite gear!
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I guess whatever works for you! I often use petroleum jelly for styling

I saw your photo Uncle Doug (I have a similar haircut) and I sport a longer version of the flattop, Its quite easy to maintain, if i get bedhead, usually some water and promade will take care of it in a minute or 2.

I have something I am really curious about : Is there a member on B&B that you are curious about their shaves? As I rarely venture out of Journals, I was thinking if @Eric_75 has ever shared a shave. I tried search his username, and nothing came up. Only one and done and headshavers came up with 1 liners

Uncle Eric, give me a Xmas gift by sharing one of your shave with your favorite gear!
I've read plenty of his, posts in the Rate Your Shave thread. But he only shaves every 4 days. The cool thing is he posts some music he's listening to also. Being a pro his taste in music is superb.


Not made for these times.

I guess whatever works for you! I often use petroleum jelly for styling

I saw your photo Uncle Doug (I have a similar haircut) and I sport a longer version of the flattop, Its quite easy to maintain, if i get bedhead, usually some water and promade will take care of it in a minute or 2.

I have something I am really curious about : Is there a member on B&B that you are curious about their shaves? As I rarely venture out of Journals, I was thinking if @Eric_75 has ever shared a shave. I tried search his username, and nothing came up. Only one and done and headshavers came up with 1 liners

Uncle Eric, give me a Xmas gift by sharing one of your shave with your favorite gear!
My latest shave. :)

Now what's this I hear about that White Claw in your fridge behind the ketchup?

- Uncle Eric
I've read plenty of his, posts in the Rate Your Shave thread. But he only shaves every 4 days. The cool thing is he posts some music he's listening to also. Being a pro his taste in music is superb.

My latest shave. :)

Now what's this I hear about that White Claw in your fridge behind the ketchup?

- Uncle Eric
I am gonna do a Eric_75 style shave with a LightSaber or SW theme music when I shave!

Side Note : Before I read both of your messages, I was searching for it on my phone logged off and I did eventually one of his shave. its like "Find Waldo" on that thread with over 63k post!


I shaved a fortune
That's why I don't understand White Claw, just buy a bottle Tito's, a few fingers on the rocks will do the job, cheaper to boot.
Some years ago now, I did a top shelf vodka tasting test. I chose Grey Goose, Chopin and Belvedere to test.... the Belvedere won and truth be told, for me, it wasn't even close. I thought those three would be closer in smoothness and taste but I was mistaken.
12/6/23 Uncle Eric Inspired Shave


Pre-shave : Kielh's Facial Fuel
Bowl : None, Face lather, Too poor to afford one
Soap : Captain's Choice Venture
Brush : Custom Badger
Razor : BB Ti Shiny
Blade : Merkur Super Platinium
Aftershave : Captain's Choice Island Time + Beaudelaire Balm
Eye Gel : Kiehl's Eye Fuel

*Warm Shower* (Uncle Eric, no wonder you shave every 4-5 days, the setup and operation is time consuming)

After almost 2 weeks of only using the Tech w/ GSB, Tabac, and a synthetic brush, I have been craving for a variety! No speed shaving, no rushing, gonna enjoy this shave and pamper myself!

10/10 BBS

Too many things on my mind and so excited for this shave! Special and Love Filled Thanks to @Captain Pre-Capsize for the Venture and Island Time AS!

Venture Soap : The scent, o my god, the scent is amazing! Performance wise, It's a 10/10 for me over Fine Platinium and Royal Forest. I been using Tabac for 2 weeks and using that as a comparision, it is just as great and smells wonderful!

Island Time Aftershave splash : It burns for a good second or 2, and soothes out quickly. First AS splash I tried that does not cause dryness on my face like Aqua Velva.

The Shave : BB Ti Shiny, I missed you so much! It was almost an emotional moment when I held it. There was almost tears, hahaha! I took my sweet time lathering and smelling the soap. I tried looking for differences between Venture, Fine Platinium, and Royal Forest. I later dropped that mindset and just start enjoying Venture and lathered, enjoying the soap and badger brush. Loaded up with the Merkur Super (I'll leave the review for Uncle Aaron) and did my WTG pass. This is when I got confused and wondered if its the blade or soap. Relathered up and did ATG pass and touchups. I got BBS on both face and neck. Face felt very smooth and I felt no irritations. Even my mustache area was smooth with no drag on the ATG pass! I am not a blade reviewer or soap reviewer, but this is my best BBS shave so far!

I forgot the alum block, didn't feel I needed it as the shave was so silkly smooth without any facial impact and applied on Beaudelaire balm after the aftershave splash dried. All kinds of confusing wonderful scent from the balm and it is long lasting. Even an hour later after cleaning up and typing up this SOTD, I can still smell the balm on my hands and face.

Glad to be back home! Have a wonderful Wednesday and Happy Shavings!

TLDR : APB is gonna throw me a jab me so I might as well do it myself! BBS Shave, No dryness with AS splash, love the soap and vintage blade, emo when holding the BB Ti Shiny, Beaudelaire Balm is confusing my nose with too many notes at once. Best shave so far on my journey! took 50+ minutes for today's shave.
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12/8/23 Early Morning Shave


BB Ti Shiny w/ Merkur Super (3)
Boar Brush (DecemBOAR)
Captains Choice Sandalwood
AS Splash + Balm
Alum Block

9/10 BBS

Very smooth shave this early morning, really enjoy the blade with the Ti Shiny, somehow felt the blade got sharper as I got 2 weepers on my mustache area. Might be too careless as I watching a video on my phone while shaving, today's shave took around 15 minutes.

Randomness : dreading having to drive about 3 hours north for an Exam and then 3 hours back today. Driving is not my forte!


I shaved a fortune
In a former life, I used to drive 70K miles a year. I could multi task back then.

Fast forward to today: I drive around 4K miles a month so far, but I have to focus on driving alone. I don’t want to end up being the old man driver causing others to shake their fist or the other alternative hand signal. <eg>
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