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Leaf Thorn Head Shave *trick

A few days ago I bought my first safety razor, the Leaf Thorn. After a few tests I had my best shave today and I wanted to share it because maybe someone has or will have the same issues with me (irritations and razor burn)
I was trying different blades (Leaf, Feather, Gillette 7 o'clock greens, Gillette Silver Blue, Permasharp and Nacet) I was between Permasharp and Nacet and the Nacet won for me. I am doing two passes WTG and ATG. So the other day I was watching a video on youtube from "Subie Shaves" and he said that he is stacking one blade on the other (the two halfs on top of each other) and BOOM he is so right!!!! It was so different, maybe because of blade thickness?? I really don't know but it works, I was much more confident to apply the right preasure and I felt way less resistance on the hard parts like the back of the head when going ATG. The result was an awesome BBS shave, with almost 0 irritations and razor burn ( I am still new). Guys if you have the shame issues try it!
*Also the Nacets are so good in my opinion.
That is an interesting idea. I'm glad it works for you. I know I love my Leaf Thorn razor.
Thank you, you should try it even just for fun.
I really like that razor too and I didn't want to quit on it, so I am really happy I found that solution.
Do you have any favourite blades so far?
Over the pass 12 years that I have been on B&B, I have bought at least 53 different kinds of razors, that's not counting the ones I bought more than once. The Leaf Thorn is the smoothest razor I have ever tried. I have the silver one.

A lot of people love the Personna blades, I will order some for test. Do you use the SS or the Platinum?

That's a lot of razors sir :) I am so new but I really enjoy everything around wet shaving so far!

Ah, I also wanted the silver one but it was out of stock here in Greece so I bought this bad boy


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A lot of people love the Personna blades, I will order some for test. Do you use the SS or the Platinum?

That's a lot of razors sir :) I am so new but I really enjoy everything around wet shaving so far!

Ah, I also wanted the silver one but it was out of stock here in Greece so I bought this bad boy
I use the SS blades. I never tried the Platinum.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
A few days ago I bought my first safety razor, the Leaf Thorn. After a few tests I had my best shave today and I wanted to share it because maybe someone has or will have the same issues with me (irritations and razor burn)
I was trying different blades (Leaf, Feather, Gillette 7 o'clock greens, Gillette Silver Blue, Permasharp and Nacet) I was between Permasharp and Nacet and the Nacet won for me. I am doing two passes WTG and ATG. So the other day I was watching a video on youtube from "Subie Shaves" and he said that he is stacking one blade on the other (the two halfs on top of each other) and BOOM he is so right!!!! It was so different, maybe because of blade thickness?? I really don't know but it works, I was much more confident to apply the right preasure and I felt way less resistance on the hard parts like the back of the head when going ATG. The result was an awesome BBS shave, with almost 0 irritations and razor burn ( I am still new). Guys if you have the shame issues try it!
*Also the Nacets are so good in my opinion.
Subie(Josh) is excellent at blade hacks, Subie will do that DE double half blade in $10-400 razors and it works for him well, especially head shaving. It does smooth the shave nicely in a aggressive razor also.
I have tried it a few times and it works well if razor is precision machined for locating the blade with just stacking a normal DE blade on top of another one also, Doing it the way Subie does elements some error in machining on less accurate razors if care is taken when assembling by bumping the blade with a paper blade tuck up against the locating pins when lightly tightened and then tighten normally when happy with alignment.
Subie(Josh) is excellent at blade hacks, Subie will do that DE double half blade in $10-400 razors and it works for him well, especially head shaving. It does smooth the shave nicely in a aggressive razor also.
I have tried it a few times and it works well if razor is precision machined for locating the blade with just stacking a normal DE blade on top of another one also, Doing it the way Subie does elements some error in machining on less accurate razors if care is taken when assembling by bumping the blade with a paper blade tuck up against the locating pins when lightly tightened and then tighten normally when happy with alignment.
When I saw it I couldn't believe it's gonna make any difference but it really does. Τhe possibility of the blades not aligning properly scares me a lot so I double check and I always start shaving very gently. I read in an other post that blade chattering does not exist and if it happens it means that the angle is wrong, but the thickness of the double blade must play some role!?! I will try again in the future whith a single blade but for now I enjoy so much the easy and quick shaves that I don't want to stop.
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