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"Osage Brisk" ?

I did a little experiment today: "Osage Brisk"

50/50 Osage Rub & Barbasol Brisk

I got the idea from the "Green Freeze": Osage/Skin Bracer.

Great scent. I will see how it feels and does after my shave tomorrow.

Had to go to San Antonio today...too much free time after appointments...barber supply store, Indian Grocery, and Dollar General within a block of each other...


Cool! Looking forward to the review.
I have not tried Brisk yet, but I am loving Barbasol Pacific Rush!
Prep: Hot Shower

Soap: dalan d’men-sensitive cream (Turkish)
Razor: Magard MR1
Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock Yellow SE
Brush: Omega 10066 Boar

Aftershave: “Osage Brisk”

WTG-XTG-ATG (adjusted angle for my beard a bit)

I used the “Osage Brisk” today: Osage Rub/Barbasol Brisk Mix. I don’t know how to describe the scent any better than a great mix of the two. More refined noses will have to do that. It has a great menthol-alcohol blast and left my face feeling great.


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Thanks for posting Bobcat! I understand about the "more refined noses" I am terrible with distinguishing different scents in a AS. Most of the time to me, it just smells good or it doesn't.
I did a little experiment today: "Osage Brisk"

50/50 Osage Rub & Barbasol Brisk

I got the idea from the "Green Freeze": Osage/Skin Bracer.

Nice! I would think it would work and smell exactly similar, since Barbasol Brisk is a clone of Skin Bracer.
and smell exactly similar, since Barbasol Brisk is a clone of Skin Bracer.

Except not the same scent or menthol content. Similar but not the same...........

I like the mix myself.
Prep: Hot Shower

Soap: dalan d’men-sensitive cream (Turkish)
Razor: Magard MR1
Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock Yellow SE
Brush: Omega 10066 Boar

Aftershave: “Osage Brisk”

WTG-XTG-ATG (adjusted angle for my beard a bit)

I used the “Osage Brisk” today: Osage Rub/Barbasol Brisk Mix. I don’t know how to describe the scent any better than a great mix of the two. More refined noses will have to do that. It has a great menthol-alcohol blast and left my face feeling great.



Where did you find that mug? I love it! Will also be giving your blend a try, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Allan! I got this one on Etsy. They show up there and on the "bay" every so often.

I got it with the unused OS brush too. Better to be lucky than smart!


This thread inspired me to mix Osage Rub with AV after today's shave. Best of both worlds -- you get the menthol blast from The Rub, but it doesn't interfere with the great smell of AV. :thumbsup:
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