my brain goes "thonk"
What are the differences between open and closed comb razors and is on suited for a rough coarse beard than the other or which is better for a soft beard and can your use either or for a soft beard.
What are the differences between open and closed comb razors and is on suited for a rough coarse beard than the other or which is better for a soft beard and can your use either or for a soft beard.
Looks is about the only difference.
There are good razors of each style that work well for tough and soft beards.
You just need to try a few to find one you like.
There's no "magic" about ether design.
I like milder razors and use a merkur 1904 OC every day of the week.
OC razors are better for shaving longer growth and are slightly more aggressive.
Although they can be useful for longer hair growth, it is not always true that they are more aggressive. There are many examples of open comb razors that are much more mild than some solid bar razors and vice versa as well. As already discussed above, it is more dependant on the overall design of the razor as to whether it would be aggressive or not.
Looks is about the only difference.
There are good razors of each style that work well for tough and soft beards.
You just need to try a few to find one you like.
There's no "magic" about ether design.
question - if the measure of aggressiveness includes blade gap as mentioned many times in the preceding posts - how is blade gap measured on an OC? what is the blade gap for the razor I used today? I see the database measures it at 58/thousandths of an inch, but is that accurate if there is no bar to measure against?