This thread is inspired in part by other threads about insane prices for razors on eBay, and how this might be in part because demand is outstripping supply.
I've been pulling blades out of old razors quite a bit lately - picking up lots and such.
Seeing these old blades in razors covered in the schmutz of years makes me think about the guys who must have owned them.
Clearly these are the blades that were loaded on the day these gents passed away. The razors have come through 30 years or more (judging by the era of the blades; lots of Thin and Blue Gillettes): estate sale, flea market or antique store, or eBay, to me. Nobody ever thought to pull the blade out.
While it's a bit of a melancholy chore for me to dispose of the blades, I wonder if the original owner wouldn't get a bit of a kick out of knowing his old razor is being cleaned up and put back into circulation, if not use.
Then I think he would really get a charge out of knowing what somebody out there might pay for it.
And that's why I don't believe we're going to see a depletion of supply of these razors any time soon.
There is still a large number of members of the Greatest Generation around. Lots of these fellows have Fat Boys, Aristocrats, Techs and Presidents in the backs of drawers and haven't given them a thought in years.
As they move on to their ultimate reward, their old shave tools will show up in the marketplace.
Hopefully, with the blades already removed.
I've been pulling blades out of old razors quite a bit lately - picking up lots and such.
Seeing these old blades in razors covered in the schmutz of years makes me think about the guys who must have owned them.
Clearly these are the blades that were loaded on the day these gents passed away. The razors have come through 30 years or more (judging by the era of the blades; lots of Thin and Blue Gillettes): estate sale, flea market or antique store, or eBay, to me. Nobody ever thought to pull the blade out.
While it's a bit of a melancholy chore for me to dispose of the blades, I wonder if the original owner wouldn't get a bit of a kick out of knowing his old razor is being cleaned up and put back into circulation, if not use.
Then I think he would really get a charge out of knowing what somebody out there might pay for it.
And that's why I don't believe we're going to see a depletion of supply of these razors any time soon.
There is still a large number of members of the Greatest Generation around. Lots of these fellows have Fat Boys, Aristocrats, Techs and Presidents in the backs of drawers and haven't given them a thought in years.
As they move on to their ultimate reward, their old shave tools will show up in the marketplace.
Hopefully, with the blades already removed.