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Old Spice questions . . .

I'm 50 yrs old, and the first aftershave I ever used was Old Spice, when I was about 14 in 1973. My father had used it and Aqua Velva as long as I can remember, and I used it and the cologne throughout high school. I currently have a bottle of Old Spice AS; it's the plastic bottle with the red stopper. I bought it last fall at Walgreens.

When I first opened the new bottle and took a whiff, I instantly recognized the scent as Old Spice; the thought that it was somehow different or inferior never crossed my mind. My wife, who has a VERY sensitive sniffer and not knowing what it was, smelled it on me and said "you smell like my dad used to smell when he shaved". I told her it was Old Spice and she instantly exclaimed "That's it!". She and I both agreed it was a great scent.

Enter the B&B forum and the revelation that the scent was changed after P&G bought OS from Shulton. I soon discovered that Dollar General and CVS carried an OS knockoff made by "ViJon" that was supposedly much closer to the original old Shulton OS, so I finally bought some.

The verdict? To me, the CVS/ViJon version is inferior to the P&G OS. I know we each have personal preferences and we should use what we like best; but what I don't get is the relative comparison. To me the current P&G Old Spice smells a lot more like the OS I remember from my teenage years in the 70's than the knockoff.

So this brings up a couple of questions in my mind. How do we know the formula was changed?

Is it simply based on the opinions and memories of sincere B&Bers, or is there any documentation or advertisement or anything from P&G or Shulton stating that the formula was changed?

If one compares the scent from a bottle of the new P&G stuff to an old vintage bottle of Shulton, could the difference not simply be attributed to the age of the old stuff?

Furthermore, if one compares the scent of the P&G to the scent of the Shulton from India and there is indeed a difference, could it not be that P&G uses the original formula, and it's the Indian Shulton version that has been altered?

Not trying to stir anything up, just curious (honest!).
The P&G version didn't change when they bought out Shulton. The formula changed when they started putting it in the plastic bottles with the red stopper, and it had nothing to do with the plastic.

P&G changed it slightly to a more powdery scent to appeal to the younger generation, and yet to also try and keep the old school die hard users.
(my opinion, but it's probably the truth, considering all their new products)

I own a lot of old Shulton AS and Cologne and it is different, and it has nothing to do with the aging process. The Shulton OS is a darker, spicier scent that is great. The new P&G version is more powdery....it doesn't suck, but it's not as pleasing to the nose.

The Ivy Club (Family Dollar) AS does not smell like Shulton OS, but I will say that I LOVE the scent of it. I use it frequently and in abundance, considering it's so cheap!

I don't know anything about the India OS, but I believe I've read from other forumites that it's the Shulton formula, and the bottles say Shulton on them.

I suggest you get yourself some Shulton OS off of Ebay. You won't regret it!!
I am not a big fan of the Vi Jon version, to me it smells soapy and nothing like the Old Spice I used in the 80's. The P&G version to me smells a little more baby powdery than I recall but is more in line with my memory of the Shulton.
I have not tried the version from India. The current OS cologne is spot on from what I remember using. Just have to remember that the cologne is not a splash.
Interesting . . . so the scent didn't change until sometime in 2008. For some reason I got the impression it was earlier than that.

I've looked on the P&G and Old Spice websites and everywhere on the internet but can find no mention of the scent change other than on this and another similar forum.
At one point they were selling concurrently Old Spice Original and Old Spice Classic, though what the difference was I don't know and it may have been right around the time they went to the plastic bottles.
I have to admit, I opened the Vi Jon and smelled it before I bought it. To me it really it smelled really close to the original formula. However after I put some on after a shave, I realized that the Vi Jon stuff is MUCH stronger than the original formula.

That night my wife came up with a new nickname for me......Stink-face! Glad that stuff only cost me $1.60.
I just picked up a bottle of the 'classic' OS, and while I can't say I have memories of my dad wearing anything in particular, I do like the scent and it seems to last nearly all day long.
My dad wore Old Spice.. the last bottle of it he had while I was in High School (I'm not even sure if he wears aftershaves anymore).. now, when I grew up and moved out, eventually I bought my own Old Spice.

I dunno.. for some reason it just didn't smell the same to me. But.. it might have been because I bought the cologne instead?

And one time I did buy the alcohol-free aftershave. Maybe that scent was different too.

Neither smelled quite like my dad's did. I swear it was more spicy..
My dad wore Old Spice.. the last bottle of it he had while I was in High School (I'm not even sure if he wears aftershaves anymore).. now, when I grew up and moved out, eventually I bought my own Old Spice.

I dunno.. for some reason it just didn't smell the same to me. But.. it might have been because I bought the cologne instead?

And one time I did buy the alcohol-free aftershave. Maybe that scent was different too.

Neither smelled quite like my dad's did. I swear it was more spicy..

I don't doubt you one bit - that it smelled different to you. But the supposed change in the scent didn't occur until 2008, so if you moved out and got your own OS before that, it would have been the same as what your Dad used. This is what I'm talking about - was there really a change or is it just nostalgia playing tricks with our minds?
I don't doubt you one bit - that it smelled different to you. But the supposed change in the scent didn't occur until 2008, so if you moved out and got your own OS before that, it would have been the same as what your Dad used. This is what I'm talking about - was there really a change or is it just nostalgia playing tricks with our minds?

I own various bottles of Old Spice with origins dating from the 1940s to the 1990s.

Naturally, there are discernible variations in the strength of the scent due, IMHO, to evaporation, exposure to air, storage temperature, etc. etc. However, except for the strength issue, the fragrance is remarkably similar across the board.

A recent illicit sniff of a fresh bottle of P&G Old Spice at a local pharmacy leads me to conclude that there is a definite difference between the older fragrances and the fragrance which is currently being sold. (But, in defense of the OP, I have been accused of having both a tin ear and a tin nose!)
I can sell you cheaper than that !! Along with the other Indian shaving goodies like the Godrej Shave Rounds, creams, blades et al. :wink2:

Plus I also notice that most online stores and ebay vendors sell stuff which is at least a year old !

Have you decided about how to do that? Are you going to become a vendor? You'll certainly have lots of interest here.
Have you decided about how to do that? Are you going to become a vendor? You'll certainly have lots of interest here.

Yes I intend to setup a sell thread !!

I did a trade recently and gathered enough experience to give it a shot !

I am not full time in to this and will not be setting up a website just yet, may be a sell thread on BST here for a package of let us say 50 7O'clock blades + Godrej Shave round + Alum bar all shipped at NN$ !!!
Yes I intend to setup a sell thread !!

I did a trade recently and gathered enough experience to give it a shot !

I am not full time in to this and will not be setting up a website just yet, may be a sell thread on BST here for a package of let us say 50 7O'clock blades + Godrej Shave round + Alum bar all shipped at NN$ !!!

count me in!:w00t:
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