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Ok, My 4th Darwin loss.......whats going on here?

I am sick and tired, I just lost out on my 4th Darwin......Where are these buyers coming from?:ohmy: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&_trksid=p4340.l2565&rt=nc&item=380444569770
Hard to say Alex but FWIW, you will get one. Your just going to have to be patient. I don't care what anyone says on some of these threads....Darwin DE Razors (whether it's the standard or the deluxe) are rarer than hen's teeth. U talked about increasing your price in another thread. Not that you need to tell us what it is but maybe you should. The bottom line is how bad do u want one? Besides, if you win it and don't like it (no matter what you pay), you will obviously be able to sell it and recoup your purchase price. Best of luck!
What's going on?
You aren't bidding high enough to counter all the bidders who have been drooling over the pics you keep posting of darwins you've lost.
Hard to say Alex but FWIW, you will get one. Your just going to have to be patient. I don't care what anyone says on some of these threads....Darwin DE Razors (whether it's the standard or the deluxe) are rarer than hen's teeth. U talked about increasing your price in another thread. Not that you need to tell us what it is but maybe you should. The bottom line is how bad do u want one? Besides, if you win it and don't like it (no matter what you pay), you will obviously be able to sell it and recoup your purchase price. Best of luck!
Well, I inceased it by $150 from last time to $403 but lost it by $406, but I had to attend to my house rental repairs and lost track......:blush:
one of these days...


Can't stand to see you cry like that...

I have an offer for you. I have a Darwin (a run-of-the-mill standard, not the Deluxe) (which is NOT FOR SALE) that's not getting used right now. So, if you pay postage (and insurance) I'll loan it out to you for a few months (or, until you buy yourself one) so you can decide if you really want to spend a chunk of cash on this razor. Remember, I do expect it back.

PM me if interested and we can work out the details.

Can't stand to see you cry like that...

I have an offer for you. I have a Darwin (a run-of-the-mill standard, not the Deluxe) (which is NOT FOR SALE) that's not getting used right now. So, if you pay postage (and insurance) I'll loan it out to you for a few months (or, until you buy yourself one) so you can decide if you really want to spend a chunk of cash on this razor. Remember, I do expect it back.

PM me if interested and we can work out the details.
The Darwin Award people are snagging them all with plans to make trophies to give to the families of departed Darwin Award winners.
Alex the guy who 'won' the Darwin has been involved in the last three auctions so he was obviously just as interested as you. Now he has one like me he wont be involved in any future auctions!!
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