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Oh no! What happened to me!

Recently, I got a coti and have been getting fantastic shaves.

For the past three days however, I've been getting horrible shaves. The razor doesn't tug, and I'm not getting razor burn, but after an hour or so of shaving I always see a few little scabs around my face.

I've been using the same soap, brush, prep, everything has been the same. I gave my razor a touch up on my coti, but alas, the results haven't improved.

What's going on!?
Just a shot in the dark, but maybe you are just not used to the sharpness you are getting from your coti. Try a steeper angle with the razor, and be mindful when you place the edge on your skin when you start your stroke.

I have had edges that were so sharp I didn't even notice they nicked me till splashing on aftershave, or notice red lines on my face where the skin had been broken.


What changed for those past three shaves? You used the same procedure, but did you touch up the razor just before those three shaves?
Sorry, I meant an hour AFTER shaving :blushing:

Utopian, nothing changed for those three shaves. That's what confuses me. I gave my razor a touch up yesterday, and today's shave was no different.

Drybonz, I'm pretty sure my skin is not dry

Superbleu, your explanation makes sense. Usually I can immediately tell when I make a mistake. But right now the shaves feel fine, and only later do I know I've screwed up.
Recently, I got a coti and have been getting fantastic shaves.

For the past three days however, I've been getting horrible shaves. The razor doesn't tug, and I'm not getting razor burn, but after an hour or so of shaving I always see a few little scabs around my face.

I've been using the same soap, brush, prep, everything has been the same. I gave my razor a touch up on my coti, but alas, the results haven't improved.

What's going on!?

I think your problem is that your blade is now awesomely sharp and now you are taking the hide with the hair when you shave :tongue_sm

try not doing one of the passes tomorrow and see if that changes anything.
I think your razor improved but not your technique. Make sure you aren't applying pressure to get a closer shave. You'll get a closer shave by backing off if thats the case. Congrats on being able to maintain an edge with your new Coti. What do you have by the way if you know?
^No I don't know what type of stone it is.

I find it odd that my razor is too sharp, considering that it doesn't pass the HHT at all.

Today's shave was pretty good I think. No scabs, but there was some pulling. I'm going to shave with it a little longer before I go back to my coti.
Same stuff I always use. Mama Bear, Cade.

I forgot to mention that I'm away from home and haven't stropped my razor. That's probably an issue :laugh: I'll grab some newspaper and see if that helps.
So aside from no stropping, nothing changed? lol

Coming off the coti, stropping is known to raise your HHT by a level or 2.


Staff member
Wait wait wait! Wait a minute wait a minute! I stropped the razor before my trip, and this was the first shave I had with it. If I strop it a day ago, I shouldn't need to strop it right before the shave right?
Wait wait wait! Wait a minute wait a minute! I stropped the razor before my trip, and this was the first shave I had with it. If I strop it a day ago, I shouldn't need to strop it right before the shave right?

You shouldn't need to strop it right before the first time you shave, but after that you will need to strop it again.
Wait wait wait! Wait a minute wait a minute! I stropped the razor before my trip, and this was the first shave I had with it. If I strop it a day ago, I shouldn't need to strop it right before the shave right?

As far as I know this would be correct. But I am still technically a "newb" and haven't tested this. I usually strop after shaving but leave 20 or so leather laps unstropped and do them right before the next shave, to warm it up. heh.


Staff member
No, depending on how long a gap there is between the stropping and the shaving, that should be OK. Personally, if there was more than a couple of days gap I would be worried that oxidization would have an adverse effect to the edge, but I might be paranoid.
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