Hey there guys.
I've been shaving with a safety razor all my life, and for the past six months swapped to a shavette to use up the rest of my blades and try something new - and it's been great! Thus, I feel like treating myself and committing fully to a straight razor.
Now, I have very thick wiry facial hair, so much so that what's been bugging me about my shavette was that it didn't have the weight of my safety razor, and thus sometimes it almost feels like it gets 'caught' so to speak on my hair. What's particularly unfortunate about this is that when looking at the razors people recommend buying they all seem to be either hollow grinds with not much heft to them (it seems most things from TI, Dovo, etc) or a massive vintage wedge from the late 19th century. The latter is most appealing to me and would be great...but I would feel absolutely horrible destroying such old and beautiful razors.
And so in my time of need, I turn to you all now. What razors (wedges/near wedges) that have some heft to them are still manufactured today? Where can I even find them?
I've been shaving with a safety razor all my life, and for the past six months swapped to a shavette to use up the rest of my blades and try something new - and it's been great! Thus, I feel like treating myself and committing fully to a straight razor.
Now, I have very thick wiry facial hair, so much so that what's been bugging me about my shavette was that it didn't have the weight of my safety razor, and thus sometimes it almost feels like it gets 'caught' so to speak on my hair. What's particularly unfortunate about this is that when looking at the razors people recommend buying they all seem to be either hollow grinds with not much heft to them (it seems most things from TI, Dovo, etc) or a massive vintage wedge from the late 19th century. The latter is most appealing to me and would be great...but I would feel absolutely horrible destroying such old and beautiful razors.
And so in my time of need, I turn to you all now. What razors (wedges/near wedges) that have some heft to them are still manufactured today? Where can I even find them?