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OH NO!...It happened,...BOAR!

I finally had to make an addmition to myself. I love my boar:tongue_sm:thumbup1:. A couple of months ago I purchused an Omega 81052 and have used it for the last 60 shaves or so. I had to look at myself in the mirror this morning and admit it's softer, has more then enough backbone for face lathering with my soaps and my face just seems to like it better. Is it as beautiful as my badgers?... nope, he's an ugly ducking, but I love him. I haven't been a member long enough to post anything for sale in BST but I just wanted to give you guys a heads up of what I will be posting as so as I am able.

Razors for sale soon:
Merkur Vision 2008...Used 3 times. Too big for me
Schick SE.Not sure of the model. Amber handle gold head. bougth it off the bay a few years back.

Badgers for sale:
Shavemac 177 super
Simpsons Tulip 2 2band..Used twice
Simpsons Tulip 1 2 band .Never used still wrapped in box
Simpsons Chubby 1 in best used 3 times
C&E Super

I also discoved that Asco blades work the best for me
These will be up for sale as well:
Gillette 7'Olock yellows 50
Gillette 7'Oclock Greens Russians 100
Gillette 7'Oclocks Greens India 100
Astro SP 100
Derby (new verticals) 100
Sharks SC 100
Feathers 30
Super Iridium 200

As discovered with my oily skin I can not tolerate many after shave products
These will be up for sale too:
Lucky Tiger. Aftershave and face tonic.. used once
Speick aftershave splash. used once
Provence Sante Green Tea aftershave splash. Used once
Musgo Real (balm) used once
Musgo Real (splash) never used
GFT limes skinfood 100mL never used

That's it...I'm sad but also happy. Alot of trial and error but I found what works for me

It is indeed very satisfying to find what works for you and gives you pleasurable shaves. I have some boar brushes that work well for me but tend to prefer badger. I am very fond of my Simpson Ehsan.

Enjoy your shaves,

Well I think that the boar hair brushes would be nice for the fact that they do not supposedly retain all that much water. As I face lather using a minimum amount of soap and water to produce a 3 pass shave. I think that I might get one.
Finding what woks for you is a big step for your shaving technique, as applied to the main tools, the razor, brush, blade, etc. etc. Its a feeling of satisfaction as long as you don't try to "tinker" with it and try other things with the thought that "well maybe this just might make it a little better". When that happens you're right back to trying everything again.

If you're getting a great, or perfect shave equipment wise, then leave it alone and fool around with other aspects of the process. :thumbup1: And of course that's just IMHO. :tongue_sm
Did I read you correctly ?

Your boar is softer than your badgers ?

Are you a face latherer ?

My 81052 came in the mail on the 13th of this month. It fast became one of my favorites. Although I'm rotating it in with my badgers, this one could become my go-to brush.
Hi George,

Think how I feel my friend, Look at the badgers I own. I expected to be in badger heaven for decades to come, to wallow in sheer luxary. On a whim I purchused the Omega. After soaking it the first day and lathering up some AOS lemon soap I was a little surprized at how soft it was. After 2 months and the hairs spliting on the boar it has reached a point of laterablity and softness that I have not experianced with any badger. To be honest I'm not to happy about it. I've spent close to a thousand dollars on my badgers. (Not all are listed in my post) only to have to admit to myself that the boar is just as nice and feels better and cost $24.00. Sad but true

Hi George,

Think how I feel my friend, Look at the badgers I own. I expected to be in badger heaven for decades to come, to wallow in sheer luxary. On a whim I purchused the Omega. After soaking it the first day and lathering up some AOS lemon soap I was a little surprized at how soft it was. After 2 months and the hairs spliting on the boar it has reached a point of laterablity and softness that I have not experianced with any badger. To be honest I'm not to happy about it. I've spent close to a thousand dollars on my badgers. (Not all are listed in my post) only to have to admit to myself that the boar is just as nice and feels better and cost $24.00. Sad but true


Hi Gary,

OMG, was I premature and make a serious mistake when I recently sold my SOC ?
Hi George,

You know I can't answer that and I bet many members will read this and just shake their heads saying it's impossible. As usual YMMV but for me, It's the end of the line with the badgers. Some members will read my post above and say "well he didn't break in the simpsons". I'm 48 years old, been wet shaving since I was 15. Always used a badger my first was muile best used it for 15 years still have it. I can't say I believe in the "breaking in" of a badger. I think they are ready to go out of the box. They might and I mean might loose a little backbone in a year or so. But that doesn't mean they are broken in. they are just getting used and might give the illusion of feeling softer. I do believe in a boar being broken in. Every week I notice more split ends on my little ugly duckling and it gets softer but still has great backbone. You might want to give the boar another chance

Did I read you correctly ?

Your boar is softer than your badgers ?

Are you a face latherer ?


Gary here seems to have taken the same road as I did however his arsenal of badgers beats mine. It is not amazing at all once you have broken in a few quality boars and you prefer face-lathering. Though there is a lot more attention for nice boars recently on B&B, and it also helped that more US-based vendors started carrying them, a good boar brush is still kinda of a 'best kept secret' in the new wetshaving universe. I think most people get as far as using a drugstore brush just a couple of times and then toss it (before it is broken in) for a medium quality badger and never look back.

What they don't get is that at the same time their boar was not yet working well they also had to learn how to lather. Badgers are simply easier to start with.
A well broken in boar brush is a pleasure to use. I have some nice silvertip badgers brushes but my Omegas lathers great and feels wonderful on the face. Boar brushes are treated as second class brushes by many but they really can surprise you. Of late, they're getting a little more respect due to several positive threads.
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I think it is nice that you have come to a point were you know what is best for you personally. This is what just you prefer, so good for you.

And I just ordered a Shavemac D01 two band, sigh;)
Good man!

I've done the experiments myself, and I've concluded I greatly prefer the feel of a broken-in boar brush on my face to virtually every badger brush I've tried. Rooney 1/1 Super Silvertip, Shavemac D01 24/46mm fan, Shavemac D01 19/46mm bulb. I've even a fair shot to the Vie-Long 13800 and 13061 horsehair brushes to see if they'd suit my fancy.

The feel of the brush and soap as I face lather is the biggest enjoyment of the shave to me. And boar gives me that. Stiffness without being unnecessarily dense, and a softness in the tips of the bristle, but no prickliness when applying pressure. Still, I'm in search of the right boar brush in terms of knot size, geometry, loft and density. The Semogue Excelsior 2009 Limited Edition currently occupies the spot of king of the mountain. Not easy to acquire though and the Semogue Owner's Club brush - with the same loft and knot size, but a vastly different fill density- I own has been broken in, but found wanting.
Did I read you correctly ?

Your boar is softer than your badgers ?

Are you a face latherer ?


+1. Exactly what I was thinking. I'm not criticizing. I like boar brushed as well and mix my routine up between boars and badgers so I'm not a "Hate Boar, Love Badger" Guy.....

BUT, I've not seen a boar as soft as my badger.

Again, very happy you found what you like. Just really caught off guard by that comment.

EDIT: I should have read the entire thread before posting my reply. I think I'll try a higher end boar and REALLY break it in to give it another comparison. Again, I'm one of those odd fellows that can use them both and enjoy my shave equally.
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For the boar lovers out there, would you have the same opinion if you only bowl lathered ?
Given that the boar is the equal of a badger in all things except appearance (and I am sceptical on this), why would you use a boar ? Cheaper ?

My principal reasons for liking badgers is their softness and appearance. I am not fond of scritchiness.

I suppose I could learn to love the ugly step-child (no offense intended) if it ever got as soft as a badger, but my SOC never got close to a TGN knotted badger, straight out of the box.

It could be that I didn't use it enough.

With the SOC, upon arrival, I did about a week of daily cleaning latherings, then put it into a every-3rd-day rotation. I guess I had used it for shaving, about 2 months, or 10-15 times. So about 17-22 loading up, cleaning, and drying. And, I was disappointed, perhaps prematurely so.

Hey, does anyone have a well broken boar they would sell me or, as I feel the cravings in my SBAD begin to rumble, recommend one ?

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+1. Exactly what I was thinking. I'm not criticizing. I like boar brushed as well and mix my routine up between boars and badgers so I'm not a "Hate Boar, Love Badger" Guy.....

BUT, I've not seen a boar as soft as my badger.

Again, very happy you found what you like. Just really caught off guard by that comment.

EDIT: I should have read the entire thread before posting my reply. I think I'll try a higher end boar and REALLY break it in to give it another comparison. Again, I'm one of those odd fellows that can use them both and enjoy my shave equally.


Totally agree rosborne. What boar would you consider ?
I have to agree with you Gary, i have a cheap omega #5 boar and i use it about 90% of the time, its well broken in and very soft but still has good backbone for soaps.If a cheap boar works for you then rejoice, and recoup some of your money by selling of the expensive badgers, i know the forum is called BADGER and blade but it could just as easily be called BOAR and blade Lol.
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