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Oh no! I'm getting cardiovascular drift!

What's that? you ask. It's when your heart rate rises over time even though you are maintaining constant effort. Often due to heat build-up.
I just found out about this when I noticed something odd on my HRM graph after a session on my exercise bike.


The rapid (2 minute) up-and-down phases are due to my exercise bike's program. But between the 7 minute and 25 minute marks you can see the overall drift taking place, despite not changing the bike settings.

It was quite a relief to find out that this effect is "normal."
I'm still wondering though - does this increased heart rate mean I'm getting better cardio workout? I know it doesn't burn extra calories but I'm after health benefits more than weight loss.
What health benefits are you seeking other than weight loss?

General health/fitness really. I started exercising a couple of months back after being knocked off my bike and having a knee injury that didn't seem to be healing on its own, so I decided to do my own physiotherapy. After digging out all my old exercise equipment I'm now using it regularly. The knee is mostly recovered, though it can hurt if I try to run/jog.

I was impressed by a documentary about how some people don't respond to normal exercise, but high-intensity work can help for them. It also touched on insulin response. There's a lot of diabetes in my family, so I'm going to do what I can to avoid it.

I could shorten my time on the exercise bike and focus on the intensity instead, but I reckon what I'm doing now is already a good balance. My resting heart rate has dropped from around 60 to as low as 50!
General health/fitness really. I started exercising a couple of months back after being knocked off my bike and having a knee injury that didn't seem to be healing on its own, so I decided to do my own physiotherapy. After digging out all my old exercise equipment I'm now using it regularly. The knee is mostly recovered, though it can hurt if I try to run/jog.

I was impressed by a documentary about how some people don't respond to normal exercise, but high-intensity work can help for them. It also touched on insulin response. There's a lot of diabetes in my family, so I'm going to do what I can to avoid it.

I could shorten my time on the exercise bike and focus on the intensity instead, but I reckon what I'm doing now is already a good balance. My resting heart rate has dropped from around 60 to as low as 50!

Good post.

I have been doing jump rope to a boxing timer - which has been a phenomenal workout.
Also Tabata Burpees if you ever want to feel your heart beat out of your chest.

oh and wind sprints.

Been having a lot of fun really pushing myself. The progress has been greater than any I have ever seen. There is a real sense of accomplishment to see the gains.
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