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Noticed why some blades more aggressive than others.

I loaded a Red Personna blade in my Tech razor and took notice of how close the razor blade's edge was over the blade guard. Then I loaded a Derby blade and noticed each side of the razor blade was a bit further out on each side compared to the Personna. My conclusion is, not all DE razor blades are the same width across (not the thickness of the blade). I think some razors blades are slightly wider than others. A wider blade would be more aggressive than a narrower blade because the blade protrudes a little further over the blade guard on the razor head. Somebody should actually measure different blade brands and see how much they vary in width.
If you combine this with different edge geometries, coatings, honing, thickness of the steel, type of steel, and the razor being used, this accounts for all the YMMV that we know and love.

Frankly, I am a fan of the inexact in all things that are not life and death.
If you combine this with different edge geometries, coatings, honing, thickness of the steel, type of steel, and the razor being used, this accounts for all the YMMV that we know and love.

Frankly, I am a fan of the inexact in all things that are not life and death.

I do agree with you, I remember the first time I tried a Derby, and I didn't like it at all, it pulled a lot.
So I carried using my red personnas (even wilkinsons were working better than derbys). Until I gave the derbs a second chance, And they were terrific!, no pulling, zero irritation, really nice.

Now I can't remember which razor I used that day! :w00t: (I think it was an HD rocket, but I'm not sure).

But as Bonusmarple said, not all blades work well with all razors.
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