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Not enough to shave with the DE.

Hello All,

Been lurking for a loooong time and finally decided to post.

About 3 years ago I got introduced to the wet shave and bought the essentials: Merkur DE, Pre-shave Oil, Cream, Brush, and etc.. while still having the Mach3 available. My First Merkur broke so now I have the Heavy DE (pole).

As I started I used the Derby Blades which I loved alot, then I kept going back and fourth from them and the Feathers.

I feel that I can get the best shave with my now HEAVY Merkur DE when I spend more than a day without shaving. The problem is that since I'm in the MILITARY, I HAVE to shave daily, (M-F) and missing a day won't cut it, therefore I switch to the Mach3.

The MERKUR DE is REALLY aggressive for my morning shave ritual. I feel the blade just eating everyting up and then I finish with several cuts.

NOW that I just ordered the adjustable Vision 2K, will my problems go away?

Please let me know if this will help at all.. I want the whole experience of the shave, without the Mach3.

I don't know where you're stationed, but thanks for serving. It's nice to see that you can get time online to hang out here a little.

I have no experience with the Merkur adjustables. My suggestion would have been to go with a lighter fixed head Merkur like the Classic or even the travel model. Less weight may translate into less irritation.
IMO, an old Gillette DE like the Slim Adjustable might just shave your face better than a Merkur.

That's what I learned the hard way too. :(
A real easy way to get into a less agressive daily shaver is to look at a gillette tech. You could score one for a buck or two. Otherwise, I would look at a Weishi. Both are nice and mild and would at least allow for an irritation free(albeit most likely not perfect BBS) shave.
Go for something less aggressive. I use a blue tip SS or a slim (like on 3 or 2) when I need to shave everyday for work. On the weekends I use a 40's SS.
If an aggressive razor is used properly, I find that it requires less passes to have a BBS smooth shave. I developed my daily shaving habit back when I was in the military as well. I have not missed day since. I consider a non-adjustable aggressive razor as good as any other since it is only one setting and you get to master your technique better that way.
Welcome to B&B

since you already ordered the Vision 2k you may as well try it but keep it dialed down as low as possible and you probably want to stay away from feathers to start, generally the vision is more aggressive then an HD, remember use no pressure with a DE especially the HD and Vision

good luck and thanks for serving
Thanks Guys for all the help so far.

I'm gonna wait on the Vision 2K and order some different blades to see how things go. Meanwhile, I'll be using the Merkur DE without any pressure on Monday AM because i'll have about 2 days of stubble. Love it!

I'll keep you updated..

"No One Comes Close"
I can't say enough good things about the Tech. It is a great razor. Granted, I'm two weeks in to DE shaving, but it the only irritation I get is when I don't pay attention to what I'm doing. I get nearly BBS in three passes everytime. Another great thing about them is they are pretty inexpensive.
If an aggressive razor is used properly, I find that it requires less passes to have a BBS smooth shave. I developed my daily shaving habit back when I was in the military as well. I have not missed day since. I consider a non-adjustable aggressive razor as good as any other since it is only one setting and you get to master your technique better that way.

+1 You may want to make sure your blade angle is correct as you might be scraping your face with a steep angle rather than cutting it cleanly. Rest the head (top) of the razor on your cheek with the handle straight out away from your body and then gradually lower the handle until the blade just touches your cheek and you'll have about the correct angle. The handle will be pointed out much farther than a Mach 3 or similar where the handle points almost straight down to the ground.
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Welcome aboard. A lot of times when the face is getting chewed up you are applying too much pressure. You really have to concentrate on that...don't press at all. This assumes a good preshave and good blades too of course. Good luck. What branch of service are you in?
Just my $.02...

I can relate to you because I started out with the same razor and even after 5 months of enhancing my technique, I was still getting irritation. What changed my world forever was when I purchased a '58 Gillette SS from a member here. My opinion? Take the plunge, check out the B/S/T section and get either a Gillette Tech or a Gillette SS now. The best thing is, if it doesn't work for you, you can always sell it back. But honestly, something tells me you'll be sending the Merkur back instead.
Sounds good Guys!..

I'll wait on the Vision and then might just use it as a paperweight! I'll check on the Gillette Tech's to see what the deal is.

I know, ANGLE is the key. We'll see. Might just shave tomorrow AM (SUNDAY) to see what results I get.. (ANGLE, ANGLE).

BTW.. I'm in the Air Force!
lasalsa --

Welcome to B&B.

For a mild shave, use a black handled Superspeed (B/S/T or eBay), Red-Pack IP's (Westcoastshaving.com), a good prep, excellent lather with lots of slip, shallow blade angle, short unhurried deliberate strokes, and a light, delicate razor pressure.

Guess that about sums it up.

Oh yeah, and a sharp blade. Always shave with a blade that's in its prime. Change it frequently, every two to three shaves.

-- John Gehman
A real easy way to get into a less agressive daily shaver is to look at a gillette tech. You could score one for a buck or two. Otherwise, I would look at a Weishi. Both are nice and mild and would at least allow for an irritation free(albeit most likely not perfect BBS) shave.


for me Tech + Feather = close, comfortable shave
+3 on keeping blades changed.

When my face is burning and irritated all day from pushing the envelope with a blade edge, I'd pay a lot more to make it go away than a new blade cost. Even a Feather.
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