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NOS old spice

I stumbled across a stock of 1991 nos old spice shaving mugs with soap, Ship Recovery, at a little mom and pop drug store today. Should I buy it?
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The fair price is what they have it listed for... It's worth it!
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How many did they have? Search "Old Spice soap" on eBay for an idea of what a great find you have! Post some photos of the additions to your personal shave stash!
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Asking way too much. Leave the stuff there, but let us know where it is so we can go explain how overpriced the NOS product is to the store owner in person.
$10 a piece? Mug and soap included? Holy Okie Colorado! I think I hear The Great NOSOS (New Old Stock Old Spice) Caper theme song beginning to play.

lucky you. I've heard about how great they are and really want a mug myself they are nice but most seem to be unreasonably priced.
The Four new mugs with Two I already had.
For the rest of the score.http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/346302-Nos-old-spice-score
I've been looking around old places like that for blades, etc but havent found anything yet. You did good.
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