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Norton 4/8k and a Naniwa3/8K?

Difference between a Norton 4/8k and a Naniwa3/8K?

Anybody use both? Difference in feel, performance, etc.

Not that I'm looking.......just wondering....

I have used both and there is no comparison to the feel. The Naniwas are very soft feeling, sort of like stropping on hard leather.

The 4/8k norton produces what you would expect from a 4/8k, while the 3/8k nani's don't. That combination is more like going from 4k to a barbers hone. The 8K nani acts more like a 12k. It is very soft and loads up really fast. Once it starts to load up, it produces black spots that tend to drag the blade like it has breaks on one end. It does start polishing very nicely though. Even the 3/5k nani combination doesn't feel or sound like the 4/8k norton.

Totally day and night.

My 12k Naniwa and 16k Shapton produce the exact same results. I have looked at both of them under my USB microscope and the results look identical.

There was a big debate, over on SRP, about these stones and their grit markings. It was never resolved, but the majority of those familure with the Naniwas seemed to agree that the markings didn't seem accurate.

The Japanese grit rating system stops at 8K I am told. After that it is guesswork.

I own an 8000 grit japanese synthetic which gives a better edge than the 10000 Naniwa and it doesn't have the clawing stropping feel. So I'm afraid with the Japanese synthetics, you have to try them to know how they perform.

I have read on the knife forums that the Naniwa Chosera 10K and the Naniwa 12k superstone are about the same standard of finish to the Shapton 16K glass ceramic hone. I don't know who is correct, but they are all good hones.

The bottom line is one guy will prefer the feel of one to another and one hone might work faster than another.

I think the japanese are very good at this. It's a bit like the gears from Shimano for bicycles. They all change gear. :wink:
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I reviewed the Chosera 10K along with the Shapton Pro and Glass 30K stones on this thread, here. I think it is a very nice stone, and certainly a worthwhile investment

Under the scope, and with a straight razor, the Chosera 10K finish is more similar to the 15 and 16K Shaptons. The 30Ks are in a class by themselves, IMO.

I would love a freindly debate here about it specifically for straights!
I have both sets of hones and i have to say i just like the 4k/8k norton better its what i started out with and i no the norton better so i will stick with it. I find the naniwas load up quik and on the 1k i find once loaded up it looses its performance quikly lap again and its fine. I don't sharpen that many razors so i hav'nt had much chance to keep at with my naniwas
OK let me see if I understand this???? :confused:

A 3 is really a 6 but the 8 is really a 10 and the 12 is really a 16 which could be like the 30 but the 30 stands alone unless it stands next to a 10 which isn't a 10 because it is over an 8 and anything over an 8 is all the same anyway???????????????????????????????????????????

That is by far the most confusing thing I have ever read :eek:

How about the Naiwas have a softer feel then the Nortons....
They also seem to leave smoother marks in the bevel...
Cutting speed when clean are comparable..
Naniwa's tend to load faster, depending on the steel
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OK let me see if I understand this???? :confused:

A 3 is really a 6 but the 8 is really a 10 and the 12 is really a 16 which could be like the 30 but the 30 stands alone unless it stands next to a 10 which isn't a 10 because it is over an 8 and anything over an 8 is all the same anyway???????????????????????????????????????????

That is by far the most confusing thing I have ever read :eek:

How about the Naiwas have a softer feel then the Nortons....
They also seem to leave smoother marks in the bevel...
Cutting speed when clean are comparable..
Naniwa's tend to load faster, depending on the steel

Glenn and others,
I do realize that the description of the Naniwas not only seems, but is a bit confusing. After discussing this issue with other members who have used these stones and reading the comparison chart for grit equivelant vs manufacturer, it was pretty much the concensus that the information I supplied is fairly accurate.

With that in mind, however, I do offer my sincerest appology to anyone who did get confused and to you, Glenn, for having annoyed you.

I have only used my Naniwas for a short time and have honed about 140 razors, that have been sent to me, with them. Perhaps that doesn't qualify as having much knowledge of the Naniwas performance, but I do think I have to give my best and experienced opinion, however little you might think it is, on the question asked. That was what might be the differences between the Norton 4/8k ad the Naniwa 5/8k stones. This is my opinion and I am sticking with it.

If someone new were to get the Naniwa 5/8k stones and expect them to produce the same finish as the Norton 4/8k combo, and in the same amout of time, then they are going to be upset when they find out it will take them 3 times as long.

So, I guess the real question should have been, what Naniwa stones would you get to replace the Norton 4/8k combo? Then my answer would have simply been, buy the 3k and 5k Naniwas and you wil be smiling when you finish with them.

Again, Please forgive me if this thread has upset anyone or confused them.

My humbelest apologies,

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I must be doing something different on my Naniwa's

My stroke counts have not changed drastically what-so-ever I use Norton's Shapton GS's and the Naniwa SS's I use a few other naturals too but just for messing around...

I just don't see a huge difference in the counts or the time on the hones whichever way you want to guage it...

The biggest difference in the Naniwa's is the feel IMHO

Ray BTW I was not annoyed, nor does it really matter if I was, I love these disscusions.... period...
I am all about the razors and helping people out, honest, that it, us talking about stuff like this in the forum does help everyone out, even if we don't agree all the time, it gives people different perspectives...

One thing I do absolutely believe though, Honestly I think those tables of grit comparisons have mislead more people than anything else...
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Comparing the # of strokes on the 16k to the # of strokes on the 12k. There is no difference. I can't imagine the other shaptons would be any different either.
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