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No shampoo or any soap on my hair for 2+ years

I saw something online about people selling their hair for wigs. At the time I had a 2-3' long ponytail and it caught my attention. My job made having very long hair an invitation to injury, so I figured I would cut it off. As it turns out, I just cut it off and left it on the floor at the barber shop.

Still, the idea was interesting. I wound up putting a bottle of apple cider vinegar in my shower stall and used a capful now and then to rinse my now-short hair. I thought it did a fair job, but I switched from one barber to another for the next few years due to frequent moves.

Every time I asked the barber to tell me if they thought my hair was greasy, smelled bad, was dry, or some other thing. One after another and about fifteen in total told me they thought my hair was just fine. Not very scientific, but it seemed to point to the idea that my hair probably didn't suffer much from neglect. Every week or so I would pour out a capful and dump it straight to the top of my hair and work it around with my fingers while making sure none of it got in my eyes.

I keep my hair short in the interests of safety these days. I'm sure my hair has turned over 3-4x since trying this hygiene experiment out. Nobody has ever complained about it. My pillowcases are no more greasy or oily than they have ever been. I've had the same ones for years now, and there are no stains.

I never had a big hair care thing. For a few years I used pomade to make sure my curly hair didn't look too wild. Now that I keep it short that doesn't seem to be an issue so... I guess that's it.

Apple cider vinegar once a week or so seems to do the trick for me.
Vinegar is truly an amazing thing. I believe it was Hippocrates who prescribed it for a tonne of ailments. Particularly intestinal issues. And I know it has been used for centuries as hair dressing and hair rinse. So it does not surprise me one bit you have had great results with it. I need to start trying it after my shampoos rather than leaving the hair untreated so to speak. I use mostly artisan hair soaps anymore because commercial shampoos are to irritating to my scalp. I still have to mix them up a lot to keep from having troubles. I suspect a vinegar rinse to balance the ph of the hair would help a lot. And if it makes nice difference I will be trying your vinegar cleansing method. Thank you for sharing.

Cheers, Todd
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