My wife had a short business trip yesterday and when she came back, I was surprised to see her backing into the driveway. Unless she has something to unload, she usually just pulls in from the street. I walked out to meet her and she was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. She told me that she felt bad that I only had enough room on the counter for a couple of things and all the rest of my shaving gear was here and there in drawers, under the sink or in the closet. When she saw this "spa tower" on sale at Crate & Barrel, she thought that it would be a nice addition to our bathroom and a good place for me to keep all my stuff together. I think that I'll repaint the room for her this week. She never liked the color, and that's the least I can do for getting such a great cabinet. I'll put up a picture once I get my stuff out on it, but in the meantime this is a shot of the shelf from the Crate & Barrel webpage.