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What soap to try next

  • MWF

  • Cella

  • Tabac

  • Other

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I have recently tried my first soap (mainly been using TOB creams) and really like the Mike's Natural. However, I am dying to try the next (Yes, I know buy all three...SWMBO strongly suggested I slow down...bought 7 razors in one week) but can't decide on the next to try. Should I go with MWF, Cella, Tabac or something else next?
If you like Mike's, a soap that performs very similarly is Barrister & Mann. I've been loving their soap recently. Just great stuff.
I didn't answer the poll because there is not an "All of the Above" choice. My vote is for you to get and try all of the above in any order. MWF and Tabac (as well as Mike's) are all similar tallow-based soaps. Fabulous soaps. Cella is a soft soap and is different from the others but an excellent soap.
I didn't answer the poll because there is not an "All of the Above" choice. My vote is for you to get and try all of the above in any order. MWF and Tabac (as well as Mike's) are all similar tallow-based soaps. Fabulous soaps. Cella is a soft soap and is different from the others but an excellent soap.

They key part of the question is what next...don't get me wrong I will get them all
Your smartest move would be to order samples of all plus a couple more, from Garry. You will get a variety with one stop shopping. And the SWMBO'S will be impressed with how you're saving $$'s. let us know what you do!
Your smartest move would be to order samples of all plus a couple more, from Garry. You will get a variety with one stop shopping. And the SWMBO'S will be impressed with how you're saving $$'s. let us know what you do!

Totally agreed. I think I was able to sit on the bench for the "buy all of the soaps" game by getting samples. You'll probably like whatever you buy, but this way you'll easily find your favorites and not have to spend time and money using soaps just for the sake of using the soap.
Cella is sooooooooo 2012:thumbdown

MWF has a cult following made up of witches and vagabonds, don't get caught up in their loud everpresent mindless ramblings:thumbdown

Tabac is the right choice:thumbup1:

Next time, ask a hard question.
Samples would be my vote if it was an option. I chose MWF because it is on my list and I have Tabac (and love it).
I agree that you should get samples. I did it and it's a great way to try a lot of different products. I also want to through out a different suggestion. I think you should try Stirling Soaps. They are artisan soaps made in Texas I believe. I've been using them for the past week and I can't believe they way they make my face feel. Plus they only cost $5 per puck so SWMBO shouldn't mind that much. They are a little harder to lather than some soaps but I don't find them to be any harder than MWF.
MWF. Having recently used Tabac and been impressed with the irritation-free, BBS shaves I've been getting, I've finally decided to quit chasing scents that don't last much past the shave anyway. I've been burned by the inferior-to-Tabac results of many of the artisanals, so I've decided to try the tried and true performers like MWF, Speick, Klar, Haslinger, etc. I've found that if I don't like the scent of a soap - still can't take Tabac - I just make my own scent by adding in some EO. In fact, for Father's Day I've asked SWMBO and the fam to buy me various EO's rather than a new soap.

I'm looking forward to trying the Fat, and making in into a Lavender, or Vetiver, or any combination of scents I want.
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