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Newbie Merkur vs Gilette


I am new to wet shaving , I ve been reading this forum today and came across
some topics about : 'which razor is best for beginners'

many of you say Merkur hd , the others say Gilette SS and the smart peeps say
, a newbie should ask what technique he should apply with his specific equipment.

So I dont got a razor to start with , which do u suggest ?

Many thx , i wanna experience a wet shaving morning asap :)

(sorry for bad english)
I started whit the Merkur 1904 and he is still one of my favorite, i like him much than my Futur in fact, so i would recommend it.
I started with the Merkur HD, then I got the Merkur 1904, both are great razors. Then I started trying several different razors, without much success I might add, before I settled back to my first two. Now the 1904 is my go to razor, with the HD right behind in second. Those are the only ones I now use, and for me they give the best shave. I really like the thinner head on these razors. Their easier to get into tight areas, under the nose and around the ears. Some of the other razors have a bulkier head which I just don't care for. :biggrin: :tongue: :wink:
I started shaving with a Merkur Progress at the start of the semester (Sept 1st) and while I'm still getting my favorite settings down (The Progress is adjustable) it's been fun to experiment with so far :smile:
Never used a Merkur.
But I have to step up for the Super Speed which is built like a tank and a very mild razor which leaves you with a smooth shave :wink:
Whatever razor you decide to get, stick with it for a period of time so that you can better your technique. A blade sampler pack is a must as well, since the right blade will have as much, or maybe even more of an impact on your shave than the razor. Having said that, a SuperSpeed is an excellent beginner razor and can be inexpensively obtained.
I find it amazing that I can actually impart advice after being around for so short a time.

First off, welcome to B&B! Great community here! Lots of knowledge and opinions.

When you ask a question like this you are sure to get many different answers. I found myself a bit overwhelmed at times.

I personally do not recommend an adjustable for a starter razor. When you are first starting, you really need to eliminate as many variables as possible and just get your technique down. For me, I started with a Merkur HD (34C) and derby blades. I've about run out of Derby blades after a few months of shaving. I believe I've gotten my technique down pat and have ordered blade sampler packages and TOBS + Mugso cream.

Personally, I'd use the aggressiveness scale to help you pick a razor. Choose something in the middle, then experiment to either side of on the scale. The aggressiveness scale can be found here.

I think most here would agree that either a Merkur HD, or Gilette Tech would be decent places to start. Don't forget though that the blade you put in it will make a big difference.
The Merkur HD is a good shaver, but I've had better shaves with the 40's SS. Just try one, within a month you'll have 8 or 12 razors and a sampler pack of blades and a new brush and 4 or 8 varieties of soaps and creams and be shopping for a scuttle (don't ask), and offering advice to newbies like you've been doing it for years.:biggrin:
Whatever razor you decide to get, stick with it for a period of time so that you can better your technique. A blade sampler pack is a must as well, since the right blade will have as much, or maybe even more of an impact on your shave than the razor. Having said that, a SuperSpeed is an excellent beginner razor and can be inexpensively obtained.

Good advice
I chose a progress then a g slim simply because they were adjustable so I didn't have to spend more money looking for another razor.....

Slim is my choice. CAnt seem to cut my self ever. Using feathers. And always baby smoth. Oo n u can get one for under twenty dollars. Got mine for fifteen cdn shipped I think. Perhaps twelve

Boy was I wrong. I still think money wise it's the best way to go with adjustable but once u start looking on eBay you just end up wanting to buy more and try more.

My Two cousins n a buddy n I started all with adjustables and find it perfect.

Sorr for bad gramman. My phone won't let me do commas n such today
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My first ever razor was a progress, whxich did me proud, started off low and just wound her up as i got better.
I started with the Merkur HD. It's a very good razor and I still use it some of the time these days now that I have other options. I stuck with the HD for about 6 months. During that time I got my technique down - angle and pressure. Once I mastered that I went online and was able to buy a Super Speed. The Super Speed took some getting used to but my learning curve was a week on that versus being a noob with the HD.

I will say that I get closer shaves with the Gillette than the Merkur. However, it is a bit more difficult to use the Super Speed in tight areas like under my nose since the head is thicker than the Merkur's. So both have their pluses and minuses and you'll have to choose.

Knowing what I know now, I'd still start off with the Merkur. It was easy to get and I didn't have to worry about the condition that it was in. I simply took it out of the package when it arrived and started shaving.

I am new to wet shaving , I ve been reading this forum today and came across
some topics about : 'which razor is best for beginners'

many of you say Merkur hd , the others say Gilette SS and the smart peeps say
, a newbie should ask what technique he should apply with his specific equipment.

So I dont got a razor to start with , which do u suggest ?

Many thx , i wanna experience a wet shaving morning asap :)

(sorry for bad english)

Welcome to the forum, MrLanda. I started writing an answer, but ended up contradicting myself. Mmack66's reply says it all. You can get used to any of the good razors mentioned above. Get one of them and stick with it for a while. Once you learn that razor, you can experiment with others to suit your preferences. Super Speeds are plentiful and cheap, easy to load, though a bit hard to clean. I can think of no better place to start.
I started off with a Merkur HD and that worked well for me while I was getting my technique down. I shaved with it for about a month until I gave a Superspeed a try...and now I am hooked on the vintage Gillettes. Now I'd personally recommend a vintage Gillette, specifically a Superspeed, but either way the Merkur HD or an old Gillette are both great razors.
my first razor was the Merkur 33c Classic. I still use it on occasion but have since switched to the Gillette Tech which is my absolute favorite.
whick Merkur? The HD I assume. I didn't know any better (cough, cough) and bought a Merkur progress at the advice of the guy from the AOS store (proabably would have sold me a futur and not thought a thing about it.) I am happy with the progress and tend to be a quick learner and I like the idea of having some "wiggle" room with the aggressiveness of the razor. However, technique is much more important and perfecting that is the key... Congrats on the purchase and good luck on the shave...
The Merkur HD 34c is a great razor; so is a late 40s super speed. I have both and you can't go wrong with either one.
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