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3 DE Safety Razor Choices...

I appreciate all the help, input, and patience with my questions.

I'm really liking both the Leaf Twig and Henson AL13 Mild - both shave effectively, are easy to find the correct angle, and leave little razor burn or cuts/nicks. In the main today I received a Schick Injector Model J (looks brand new) that I won for $20. Waiting on some blades (the three sets of blades that came with it are as old as the razor I believe) to arrive later in the week before giving it a try.

A friend of mine is trying to sell me his Supply SE (he got himself the Supply Pro) so I could probably try it before saying I'd buy it, but I'm not sure I want another option to consider. And I'm not sure if it would offer anything that one of these other three razors doesn't.

Have a fantastic week!

Is there a new adjustable razor that has a small head like the Super Speed TTO or the Leaf Twig.

I've tried the 6C a few times and the size of the head seems quite large when trying it side by side the SSTTO or Twig. I know the Slim is probably the obvious choice, but I'd really like something new.

Thank you!

After an extensive search, it appears there aren't any brand new adjustable razors that have a smaller head like the Super Speed TTO or the Twig (I guess by the nature of adjustable razor it would be tough to match the small size of the Twig).

I got my vintage Schick Injector J series, put a brand new Schick blade in it, and tried it on half my face. While it was nice and comfortable it didn't seem to match the effectiveness of either my Super Speed TTO or the Leaf Twig. I may try it again in a couple months once I have my technique for wet shaving dialed in.

I never did try my friend's Supply SE - didn't really want to throw another razor in the mix just to confuse me.

I know everyone loves the 6C, but for some reason I struggled to find (and keep) the correct shaving angle with the larger head of the 6C; especially compared to my other choices.

As far as a razor to stick with for the next 3 months as I learn to wet shave, it really comes down to the Leaf Twig or the Henson...and since the Leaf Twig is about half the cost of the Henson (Black Friday Sale: $45 vs $80), I think my choice has pretty much been made. For some reason the Twig and I just get along really well :biggrin:

Again, thanks to everyone throughout the process with your advice, wisdom, patience, and honest guidance!

:mad2: I should never get on social media! While I was on it today I received an ad showing a shaving shop has a 25% Black Friday sale going on...so now the gap between the cost of the Twig and the Henson has been reduced (from $45 Twig vs $70 Henson AL13) to $45 for the Twig and $54 for the Henson. The $25 price gap was how I knew the Twig was the one I should go with. I emailed just to make sure the Henson AL13 Mild was in stock and and he recommended I move up to the Henson Medium, even knowing I was a newbie. 🙄

I hope everyone has a incredible Thanksgiving!!!

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:mad2: I should never get on social media! While I was on it today I received an ad showing a shaving shop has a 25% Black Friday sale going on...so now the gap between the cost of the Twig and the Henson has been reduced (from $45 Twig vs $70 Henson AL13) to $45 for the Twig and $54 for the Henson. The $25 price gap was how I knew the Twig was the one I should go with. I emailed just to make sure the Henson AL13 Mild was in stock and and he recommended I move up to the Henson Medium, even knowing I was a newbie. 🙄

I hope everyone has a incredible Thanksgiving!!!

Hey TripleB,
I have to say I’m enjoying your journey into finding your perfect setup because it’s very reminiscent of what I did over the summer, where I really gave all my razors a good run as well as testing out different blades and blade gaps (minimum of a consecutive week each). If you are looking for something with a slim head that is adjustable through different plates, then I don’t think you could go wrong with a Gamechanger. Also don’t rule out a smaller blade gap, low/neutral exposure setup with a sharper blade like a Feather. To give you an example, I primarily use the Gamechanger .68P. If I put anything other than a Feather in there, with my coarse hair, it just results in a lot of tugging and an overall lower quality of shave. Throw a Feather in that .68P, and it shaves beautifully, no tugging, smooth as butter and with the neutral to very low blade exposure, there is no harshness felt from the feather blade. I can get a very acceptable DFS shave in two passes WTG. The .76P head in comparison, I can put an Astra SP in it and the results are nearly identical to the .68P with a Feather. It’s also worth noting how frequently you shave. For me needing to shave daily for work, I realized that the milder razor/sharp blade combo was much more manageable in reducing or even eliminating irritation from consecutive days of shaving. I have a Timeless .68 ss SB on order, but in no way is that a slight against the Gamechanger. I had the opportunity to order one as a Christmas present, otherwise, I could keep shaving with my Gamechanger with no issues. Having said that I was confident in ordering the .68SB because I was able to nail down my preferred specs using the Gamechanger as a reference. It’s a fantastic razor at any price point. As always, this is a YMMV thing. Good luck sir.
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More more option overlooked by many people are, VINTAGE GILLETTE's, TecH, Super Speed, Flair, or Slim Adjustable. Can be had fairly low price. Good News is they all Shave well.

Plus you will not have to sell Your Plasma fevery week or a year to afford a Vintage Gillette.
Decisions have been made!!! I'm sure you all are more relieved to hear that than I am!

Razor choice: Henson AL13 Mild (will receive it for Christmas)
Razor blade: really like the Astra SP, but did order 5 blades each of Personna Platinum, Feather, Gillette Platinum, and Gillette Nacet to try
Cream/Soap: loving the Proraso green cream right now but am receiving a bowl of Cella Milano Aloe Vera for Christmas to try, so I can compare how a cream works to how a soap works
Aftershave: currently using witch hazel followed by Nivea, but am receiving some Speick aftershave for Christmas to try
Passes: right now I'm just doing a two pass shave...with the grain and across the grain
Backup razors: '67 Gillette Super Speed TTO, vintage Schick Injector J series

I can't thank everyone enough for all your help and patience with my thousands of questions. You all have been incredible with your honest advice and your guidance throughout this whole process! I truly appreciate everything!

DE89 didn't work particularly well for me, either. It seemed very eager to give me small nicks disproportionately to how efficient it was vs my whiskers
For me, the DE89 provided the worst shaving experience of all the razors I've owned. Just one guy's experience, obviously. My latest acquisition, the King C. Gillette, is mild, intuitive, fun to use, inexpensive, and readily available in drug stores. An excellent choice for someone breaking into the trade, so to speak.
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