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New stainless handle for my NEW.

Just finished making a new handle for my Gillette New LC which came, all be it very cheaply, with the normal cracked handle which I'll fix in due course.

I had planned to make this for an old type - and a few more to sell but after realising the work involved and making a few little mistakes (I know where they are:001_rolle).
I've decided to keep it for the New.
It's about the same size as the original but comes in quite a bit heaver at 45g - the original is 25g.
It feels great to shave with, first use wasn't great but that's just me and another story.
Hope you all don't mind me showing it off here but I'm quite pleased with it.
Looks great Steve. I prefer the ball end handle to the fat handle on the LC New.
If you decide to make some to sell, I'd be interested.
Steve, that is very impressive--congratulations on your excellent skills. I hope that you will be doing more work like that in the future.

Question: Someone mentioned doing some handles in brass, and I've noticed that stainless steel seems to be preferred over brass these days. Why is that? Is it because SS does not have to be plated? Just wondered--always like to learn something new.

That looks excellent. I wish more people could just follow Gillette's tried and true designs like you have. Maybe you should try your hand at a #66 stainless handle.
Wow, that is excellent. I like the extra depth you've added to the grip, as well. If you sell them, I'll be one of your first customers to be sure.
Steve, that is very impressive--congratulations on your excellent skills. I hope that you will be doing more work like that in the future.

Question: Someone mentioned doing some handles in brass, and I've noticed that stainless steel seems to be preferred over brass these days. Why is that? Is it because SS does not have to be plated? Just wondered--always like to learn something new.


Interesting question-
I thought it would be easier just to machine and sell SS (no plating or other costs involved) but having done just two and selling one (different to this) the scale of production comes in, even at a very small scale. Material cost for this would be about £3 (inc a few consumables) but I must have put in about 6 hours work, it had two heat treatments to anneal it enough to knurl fully. I use carbide tips and these cost £4 each, they would of course last for many handles but the cost is not insignificant. I only have a small lathe so the stress on it will take its toll over time. Brass on the other hand is more expensive to buy but easily machined. On the downside brass tarnishes quickly and gets bent/dents easily if dropped, plating helps at least with the looks but again adds to the cost.
I wish I knew the answer, Gillette plated brass, maybe if it ain't broke don't fix it, as they say around these parts. My next handle is already started - brass - and if someone else wants to plate it ?.
Outstanding work Steve! If you decide to sell these "new" old type handles, I'm sure you'll find a pretty healthy market just within the B&B community!
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