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New RazoRock "SLAB" *Pic Heavy*

So I just received my new RazoRock "SLAB" (Shave Like A Boss) razor in the mail and wanted to post up a few pictures for you guys.

It looks to be 100% identical to the new Ikon Shavecraft handle which is the other handle that you will see in this set of photos.

The entire other comparison assembly is the Ikon Handle with an EJ DE89 Head.

By the looks of it, the blade in the SLAB looks to sit at a shallower angle with more blade gap and exposure. Take that for what you will. I would imagine that it would be more aggressive but I haven't gotten to use it yet.

The RazoRock SLAB unit has some imperfections on the head that you should be able to see below. Not a big deal, but they're there.

Anyways, here are the pics. Pretty sure the EJ DE89 will be on the left in every single shot where both razors are pictured. Sorry for the terrible pictures and the fuzzies on some of the shots.





EJ on the Left below


EJ below


EJ below


SLAB below


SLAB below


These next 3 shots are imperfections in the head of the SLAB




3 side by sides. EJ on the left. Notice imperfections on the SLAB.



Since I have the same two razors, I had to go look at mine after you posted this. My Slab doesn't have as many imperfections as yours, but it's not quite as perfect as the DE89 head, that's true.

Post your impressions after you use it. I've only used mine once so far, but I really like it. It is definitely more aggressive than the DE89. I love the grip of the handle.
I'm not sure how much more blade exposure is "a lot". It looks like like a lot more to me, but don't know at what percentages that means more aggressive. Also, I guess the top cap curvature and how it "guides" the blade angle matter to this and (more obviously) to the blade gap. Clearly the blade gap difference is large, but the SLAB is more like the Weber razors in that regard, which stay pretty mild.

Thanks for the pics! In spite of the flaws in the cap, the SLAB looks like a really nice razor. I'm very curious to know how it feels in the shave.
In case anyone is interested, I just did a quick comparison of the SLAB with a Weber Polished Head.

The SLAB has an ever so slightly steeper blade angle and a larger blade gap. Exposure looks to be the same.
Those handles look identical.

I noticed the Slab with a razor head is only a couple dollars more than the handle alone. Seems like an awfully good value.
What was the old "bulldog 2"? The polished/shiny one, as opposed to matte?
I don't know if I have this right, but I think the Bulldog (not "2") was 80mm, very much like the Weber Bulldog, and very much like this one, which is also like the iKon shavecraft handle. The Bulldog 2 is 85 mm and correspondingly heavier.

Better pictures than mine precede this post, but I did manage to get my first shave in with the SLAB today, using the ingredients shown in the first shot. It doesn't get much better than TOBS Grapefruit and a Semogue OC, bowl-lather, featuring a starter shot of Floid Pre-Shave and a Proraso AS chaser.

I treated the SLAB to a Personna 74 going into its 8th shave, and the duo performed magically together on a 36-hour growth. I really couldn't feel much, but I heard the whiskers being sheared away and had a near-DFS after two passes (WTG/ATG), followed by some touch-ups to make it a wrap.

It's only one shave in, and the 74 (my first journey with this remarkable blade) has been a revelation in three different razors so far, but I have to say the SLAB may the best 40 bucks I've plunked down for a DE. Aggressive but not noticeably so, great weight in the handle, just a superb all-around shaver. Hats off to Joe @ Italian Barber and RazoRock for this great addition to the DE roster.

Todd R.
Just had my second shave with it... just as good as the first. This time with the RR KotC Lime and Problem Solver aftershave. Thumbs up all around!
Just had my first shave with the SLAB and it was a side-by-side test with the Weber Polished Head.

After taking those pictures yesterday I determined that the Weber was the closest match for the SLAB. I used the exact same blade in both razors, swapping halfway through each pass.

To my face and skin, the SLAB is definitely more aggressive than the Weber. I can feel that additional blade gap big time. While the Weber feels like it's in the same league as the Merkur 34C HD, the SLAB is a step above that to me.

I've been gravitating towards more moderate to mild razors lately and have been seeing good results on my skin, so I don't think that this one is for me. I'll more than likely keep the handle and just part with the head.

On another note, the RazoRock XX performed wonderfully. I'm not entirely sold on the scent as it teeters on that feminine/grandma line that people love to chastise Tabac about, but the performance is there for sure. It's really creamy and slick and leaves my skin feeling great.

The "Problem Solver" Lime alcohol free aftershave splash was also really nice. Maybe it was the fact that I had just got done using a non-lime soap, but when I first splashed it on the only words that came out were "that's the power of Pine-Sol baby!" I got a big blast of Pine and I don't know why. It settled down to Lime after a few moments though. I know I broke the rule of using too many new products at once but I'll keep posting about my results with the soap and splash elsewhere.
The SLAB is a fantastic idea, since so many people love the iKon handle/DE89 head combo. Saves you a bunch of money by not having to buy the handle/DE89 seperately! Great value, I would have expected the price to be higher on this guy.
I just got my slab no case but well packed Xx smells very nice BTW not strong and not to my nose feminine ymmv
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