So I just received my new RazoRock "SLAB" (Shave Like A Boss) razor in the mail and wanted to post up a few pictures for you guys.
It looks to be 100% identical to the new Ikon Shavecraft handle which is the other handle that you will see in this set of photos.
The entire other comparison assembly is the Ikon Handle with an EJ DE89 Head.
By the looks of it, the blade in the SLAB looks to sit at a shallower angle with more blade gap and exposure. Take that for what you will. I would imagine that it would be more aggressive but I haven't gotten to use it yet.
The RazoRock SLAB unit has some imperfections on the head that you should be able to see below. Not a big deal, but they're there.
Anyways, here are the pics. Pretty sure the EJ DE89 will be on the left in every single shot where both razors are pictured. Sorry for the terrible pictures and the fuzzies on some of the shots.
EJ on the Left below
EJ below
EJ below
SLAB below
SLAB below
These next 3 shots are imperfections in the head of the SLAB
3 side by sides. EJ on the left. Notice imperfections on the SLAB.
It looks to be 100% identical to the new Ikon Shavecraft handle which is the other handle that you will see in this set of photos.
The entire other comparison assembly is the Ikon Handle with an EJ DE89 Head.
By the looks of it, the blade in the SLAB looks to sit at a shallower angle with more blade gap and exposure. Take that for what you will. I would imagine that it would be more aggressive but I haven't gotten to use it yet.
The RazoRock SLAB unit has some imperfections on the head that you should be able to see below. Not a big deal, but they're there.
Anyways, here are the pics. Pretty sure the EJ DE89 will be on the left in every single shot where both razors are pictured. Sorry for the terrible pictures and the fuzzies on some of the shots.

EJ on the Left below

EJ below

EJ below

SLAB below

SLAB below

These next 3 shots are imperfections in the head of the SLAB

3 side by sides. EJ on the left. Notice imperfections on the SLAB.