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New Page on B&B

Badger & Blade is on the verge of its second anniversary, and in those short two years, the members here have worked hard to make this the largest (and we think kindest) wet-shaving community on the net. All one has to do is read a few posts to see the generosity and dedication of our membership, from "paying it forward" to tireless efforts to help men that have stumbled across our little hobby find a better and healthier way to shave. B&B quickly became larger than any one person or small group of people, and as it continues to grow and mature, it would be beneficial for the community if B&B were able to outgrow a financial reliance on just a small group of people.

To this end, the moderators have come up with a solution that we feel will allow those who wish to help contribute to the expenses B&B incurs, without being intrusive, or altering the feel of community everyone's worked so hard to create.

Anyone interested may visit the Support B&B page by clicking here or by clicking the Support B&B link in the More drop-down tab.

We would like to stress that any participation in the different methods for giving support listed on the Support B&B page are 100% voluntary. Not everyone has the ability or desire to contribute financially. That is perfectly fine, as the number one contribution anyone can give to Badger & Blade is participation in the community.

We would like to thank everyone for giving Badger & Blade the happy problem of being too successful. :wink:

-The Mods
Man, I was hoping to be the first one at something here... ok, maybe 2nd, ok 3rd isn't so bad (Man you guys move fast). Glad to help out a forum that has helped me out.
Now, I never done PayPal subscriptions before, do I get a reminder later?
I have enjoyed this too much not to help in some small way. I hope my little contribution will enable many more to discover this group and it's outstanding membership.

:shaving: :shaving:
Happy shaving everyone!
I've always liked silver, as attested-to by the many SOTD photographs of my shaving equipment; so... thanks for giving me yet another way to contribute to B&B.

(I'm perversely reminded of Woody Allen's routine about "pledging" contributions)

A couple of things:

1) It would be nice to know what the average cost to run the site has been to date;

2) How will the money be accounted for;

3) What will surplus funds be used for.

I'm not trying to be difficult here and I think its great to spread around the costs - interesting that a US-based site is using a socialist methodology - and I think its nice to have an ad-free site.

I think that with the request for financial support comes a corresponding responsibility/accountability to those who provide it.

Oh, I also don't like the idea of buying a custom title - it cheapens the "honour" - custom titles should continue to be earned (and this from someone without a custom title).

I'm likely going to get flamed for even raising some of these points, but just had to ask!

No flame here. I wholeheartedly agree with sharing the costs around. And just as wholeheartedly agree with the questions that you raised. The same ones crossed my mind. This is a great forum (the only one that I am a member of and in fact the only one I read). I am happy to support it financially but would like to know what the costs are and whether this is turning B&B into a business.

The one thing that potentially concerns me is the sponsored links. Makes it less comfortable to have an open discussion or to place a critical review of a brand that is financing the site.

I haven't seen enough forums to know whether this is common practice.


A couple of things:

1) It would be nice to know what the average cost to run the site has been to date;

2) How will the money be accounted for;

3) What will surplus funds be used for.

I'm not trying to be difficult here and I think its great to spread around the costs - interesting that a US-based site is using a socialist methodology - and I think its nice to have an ad-free site.

I think that with the request for financial support comes a corresponding responsibility/accountability to those who provide it.

Oh, I also don't like the idea of buying a custom title - it cheapens the "honour" - custom titles should continue to be earned (and this from someone without a custom title).

I'm likely going to get flamed for even raising some of these points, but just had to ask!


I don't think you will be flamed...

When anyone asks for money than that means that they have a plan for it and souldn't have a problem sharing the plan....

I don't think anyone on this list is trying to make a profit but .........

We have 3881 members...

and if you do simple math that adds up to a lot of money..

I know that most won't give but what happens if all give 100 bucks?

$388,100.........someone has the money and even the government will watch!
I'm curious to see if the many vendors that post and lurk will help us out and contribute... I'm still on the fence about this, but with everything, money is needed to maintain even a hobby. If it really means not having ad searches and crappy shave lines polluting the forum, I'm for it, just give this college student time to muster the funds.
I run a few websites for family members from my house. I know that running a site can cost quite a bit of money. B&B is run (from what I have seen) from a hosting site. It is quite a bit cheaper for me, but estimating I have spent the following per year:

$400 PC (dual core Dell, 2GB Ram, hardware mirrored IDE drives 250 GB) - total cost ~$1200 divided by 3 year warranty period
$35 electricity
$60 ftth 10 mb ISP connectivity

I am not including time, additional hardware for networking, additional hardware for backing up data, harrassing phone calls from sister when webmail is not accesible, etc.

It is great when others are able to chip in. For instance, my brother helps out with the costs when hardware fails or it is time for hardware upgrades.

Since I spend so much time on B&B I felt like I needed to help out.

This way I can help and not worry about any harrassing phone calls or emails from people with sharp instruments :biggrin:
I'm not trying to be difficult here and I think its great to spread around the costs - interesting that a US-based site is using a socialist methodology - and I think its nice to have an ad-free site.
Voluntarily contributing to a place where membership is not mandatory seems a stretch for any comparisions to socialists... think? My understanding is that those folks subservient to that monster don't have much of a choice.

:em2300: I pay dues to the NRA... don't know as I've ever heard of them and socialism sharing the same sentence, either...

...just funnin', by the way.
Voluntarily contributing to a place where membership is not mandatory seems a stretch for any comparisions to socialists... think? My understanding is that those folks subservient to that monster don't have much of a choice.

:em2300: I pay dues to the NRA... don't know as I've ever heard of them and socialism sharing the same sentence, either...

...just funnin', by the way.

I'm not going to take the bait...

However, you can't be a member of the NRA if you don't buy a membership - so no risk of ANY socialist implications.

On the other hand, this is a request for voluntary contributions from those who chose to/can afford to make a financial donation that has no impact on one's ability to be a member of B&B - however, the different classes of members does bring the "some animals are more equal than others" quote from Animal Farm to mind...

And I said I wasn't going to take the bait...:lol:


The views of the author of this post are entirely nonsensical and no offence to any race, creed, religion, political-orientation, sex, food group, razor type, that existed in the past, exists in present, or that may exist in the future, real, implied or imaginary is intended or should be taken - believe me, you'll know when I'm trying to offend you!
Let's see....

This is a tough one. Membership is free. Contributions are voluntary. During my time as a member I've learned more from this forum than I could have from $1,000 worth of books or videos (although there aren't $100 worth of books and videos that are even available on the subject). Most days it's more entertaining than anything else on the internet. I've been feeling like a moocher since I joined because I know that somebody, somewhere, is paying for it.

Such a tough decision.:wink:
I don't mind a voluntary contribution; I just don't want it to become a "pay site." If that happens, I'm outta here. (You'd miss me. Admit it. :biggrin: )

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