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New Home for Razors/Brushes

Wanted to keep them together so to the workshop I went. This was made from some sort of plastic wood that is used on the new homes in my community. White is all the way through the material and will never rot. Holes are 17/32" and the posts to hole the brushes are stainless welding rod. Will hold 4 razors and 4 brushes. Will add additional rods as I get other brushes. Need the brush so I can space the rods to fit.
I keep looking for ideas to make a better one. I hope my other half lets me keep it on the counter in the 2nd bath.
Thanks for looking.
Great idea, I too am looking to build/make something to hold my brushes and razors. I like the style of yours. I may have to borrow some ideas from you, if you don't mind?



My elbows leak
Staff member
Nice work!
Throw a Lady Gillette in there for SWMBO and maybe she'll let you keep it in Bathroom No. 1 !!

Nice work. I have yet to find exactly what I want in a brush/razor holder. I like the idea of having everything in one nice rack. Thanks for the posting.
Thanks all for the compliments.

I really like that! Very ingenious. You should make more in diff colors and sell them.

That would be like work. YUK! (retired for 3 years)
I have only seen it in 3 colors. white, white, and white. :001_smile
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