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New DE for a straight shaver

Let me start by saying I don't know anything about DEs. I've been shaving with straights for about 9 years after switching from carts and electrics. But I had hinted that I wanted an inexpensive razor for travel and occasional use. Based on the parameters I gave my wife I was expecting a vintage Tech or the like. But she and one of the kids were shopping for something else and saw thid and gave it to me for Christmas. The company is Bamboo Switch which is a local outfit that sells bamboo based products as an eco friendly alternative. The handle is, as expected, bamboo. According to their website, the head is stainless steel. Closed comb/open comb combo. I did send a message to them asking where they source the heads, will see if they respond. Meanwhile, any ideas?
I’m sure it shaves just fine. Get some decent blades for it and have some fun.
I'll be ordering some blades shortly. I doubt that the Chinese "Cloud" blades that came with it are anything special. Although I did load one to verify alignment etc and a few swipes on my emerging 5 o'clock shadow confirmed that it does in fact, shave just fine. Like I said, this will be for traveling light and probably cleanup on one spot on my neck that I can't quite get at with a straight at the proper angle. Well, I can, when I'm not wearing a goatee, but the women in my life whose opinions matter (wife and daughters) like the goatee. So I told them if they want me to keep it I need a way to shave that prickly spot that's not a throwaway Bic.


I shaved the pig
Interesting having both open and closed comb, looks like some fun ahead. A reminder to get in a few DE shaves as years end approaches. I usually get a couple in throughout the year as I don’t want the few DE’s I have to be museum pieces. A thoughtful gift. Merry Christmas!
My first reaction -- seeing the photos -- is that the head is cast Zamac, chrome-plated -- not machined stainless steel. I could be wrong, and it doesn't matter:

. . . If it shaves well, use it.<g>

. Charles
First shave update. Very smooth, no blood. The OC side seems less aggressive than the closed. I didn't use it on my whole face, or for every pass but some work on the neck where the angles are hard with the straight. I did do an ATG pass on one cheek (easy peasy) and it was nice but not as close as the straight. Picked up a lot more when I went over that area with the straight. That could just be technique. Or blade. I have some Nacets and GSBs on the way. But all in all, very pleasant and no drama.


I shaved the pig
First shave update. Very smooth, no blood. The OC side seems less aggressive than the closed. I didn't use it on my whole face, or for every pass but some work on the neck where the angles are hard with the straight. I did do an ATG pass on one cheek (easy peasy) and it was nice but not as close as the straight. Picked up a lot more when I went over that area with the straight. That could just be technique. Or blade. I have some Nacets and GSBs on the way. But all in all, very pleasant and no drama.
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That was my experience today, pleasant, no drama. Put a Feather blade in my Super Speed and had a comfortable two pass shave. Edge goes to my straights for single pass closeness, but as you mentioned, I think my technique is rusty with a DE. Altogether a favourable experience.
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