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Need some help on an Omega

I really like the Omega Mighty Midget Wide Waist knot (40033) but don't like the handle very much at all. I plan on ordering a few of these and rehandle them. Omega sets their bristles in a cup. Does anyone know the diameter of the cup on this brush so I can order the right size handle. Here is the brush, there are lots of brushes with the Mighty Midget name.

No, I do not know the diameter. You can simply measure it when your Omegas arrive, right? I guess that's a bit of a delay, but this way you can be certain. Best of luck.
Thanks for your reply. I thought it might be a good idea to find out what my handle options were before I ordered the brushes.
I do not have the patience to make a good handle. Until I started reading B&B, I had no idea there was so much involved in what seemed to be such a simple instrument. Figured you took a bunch of bristles, a hollowed out handle, squirted some glue in, jammed the bristles in and voila, instant brush. Guess there is an art to it, after all. Please post photos when you are done.
I have one at home but do not know the diameter. I was able to improve the handle slightly simply by placing a few o- rings between the ridges on the handle. It is still pretty basic but much better looking, in my opinion, and grip is improved as well.
I tried putting o-rings on the handle. I did improve it somewhat. It is my favorite boar knot, better than the Semogue brushes i own. Even with the o-rings it is the only brush handle that causes my hands to cramp in use. For me, great knot but not a great hand in the hand.
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