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Need help identifying a razor set I believe is ww1.

This set is in a leather case with handle and blades never opened. There is also a name engraved inside the blade holder, Marcas Regs. I got this set at an estate auction in a box of junk I purchased for $1.00. Trying to find out current value also. Can send pics.
Your best bet would be to make a follow up post with pics of the razor/blade holder/etc. I'll move this thread into the DE razor forum, where it will get more views.
Welcome to B&B!!

Marcas Regs. is the notation, in Spanish, that the product is protected by trademarks and patents, and is found on products intended for sale in the Hispanic Americas. If I were placing a bet, I'd say you have a Tech. The only ones I have seen with Marcas Regs. have been made after WWII.

Please post a picture of the set (before Alex turns Spot loose on you) and you will get a whole bunch of help!
Marcas Regs. is the notation, in Spanish, that the product is protected by trademarks and patents, and is found on products intended for sale in the Hispanic Americas. If I were placing a bet, I'd say you have a Tech. The only ones I have seen with Marcas Regs. have been made after WWII.

This would be my guess, too. With a photo we'd be able to say for sure.
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