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Need Advice (Modern razor equivalent to Gillette Travel Tech)

Hello friends,

So far Gillette Travel Tech has been the best razor i tried.I like its mildness.Other than that Star razor comes close to it just a little bit more agressive.But travel tech is like driving in highway for me.

Tried EJ89 which i found too agressive for my taste.

So is there any modern razors which is really similar to travel techs ?



If you are getting the shave you want with the Travel Tech then I would think one approach might be to try different handles. Gillette made a series of Tech models that used the various handles. Also there are vendors that make handles that fit a Tech head.
Merkur travel razor looks similiar in size, although its probably more agressive than the EJ89.

Stick with your travel tech or get a fat handle tech.
Thanks guys but i already thought about both of your opinions but what i am looking is buying a modern razor (not from antique store or flea market but to buy one which is currently on the market) which has a similar characteristic to travel tech.
Feather AS D1 is very close

+1 This thing is way milder than the Tech, in my opinion. No way you will ever cut or nick yourself. However, for the price, i would not give up the Tech. Why don't you pick up a very good condition Tech and get it replated if you really love it. Good luck.
I've heard that the Lord L5 is a modern-produced clone of the tech- possibly an improvement in terms of head aggressiveness (slightly more).
The Gillette Tech will probably be manufactured better but the L5 is quite good and very very similar to the tech, it's also very cheap compared to the Feather AS D1 (another tech clone already mentioned.)
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