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Need a Second Opinion on wearing a cap

Which hat do you like?

  • Hat 1

  • Hat 2

  • Both

  • Give it up dude

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Hey folks,
So I would like to up my hat game a bit. When I do wear a hat it is mostly a baseball cap or a knit winter hat(only when it's cold). I am looking to get something I can pretty much wear with anything, from jeans and tshirt to sport coat and button up, I rarely wear suits so it does not have to be suit worthy.

I really like the look of flat caps. Usually, if I like something I just buy and rock it, but for some reason I need a second opinion of how they look on me. I do not have an SWMBO to ask if I look dumb and the friends I have are less then helpful. I figured we have a pretty diverse group of gents here other then the shaving thing we all have in common.

I bought two hats pictured which I am wearing in the pictures below. Cap 1 is a wool tweed and Cap 2 is a lighter cotton. I figured grey would work with most things. I am going to try an innexpensive hat until I decide I really like wearing them before I get something better.

My pictures aren't great, but you get the jist of it. Without further ado, I offer you "The Two Caps" Starring JoshuaNY.


I'll say hat one.
It just looks like a better fit.
Hat 2 seems kind of floppy and it makes your head look bigger.
Really, it does.
It is a style that suits you though. :thumbup1:
Hat 1 imo. The heavier material gives it a better, flatter shape on you. Nicer colour too. The pattern of hat 2 puts me in mind of links golf!
I like #1. It looks good on you. I'm not crazy about the shape of #2. Of course, this is from someone who doesn't wear hats and has no sense of style, but seeing #1 on you makes me want to go out and try one on.
I've got a houndstooth wool cap like #1 in a loden color with a goretex lining. I love it. I picked it up from LLBean. Great hat.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I myself think hat #2 looks much better. Good thing is, you look good in #1 and #2, which means its time to move onto a #3
I have no real or claimed fashion sensibility, but my immediate reaction was hat #1 is better than #2 by a wide margin. As I try to figure out why I felt that way, I believe it is because:

  • the color of #1 better matches your jacket
  • shape of #1 is better, looking less like a baseball cap, in that the bill is less rounded or creased over
  • the shadow over your eyes is deeper with hat #2 (edit: I take this comment back. There is something subtle about the shadowing, but on second look it appears to be the same and might be more related to the color or scale of photo)
Meaning if cap #2 were bent into similar shape as #1 and worn under different lighting and with a light jacket it should look a lot better. But unclear that it could top #1 in general.
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Hey, thanks a lot everyone, I appreciate the feedback. Seems like hat 1 wins by a far margin.
I will probably be visiting a proper Hatter before the winter is out.
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