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Need a cap for a single ring

Hi. I came into a Single Ring from 1914. It was nearly black, but it cleaned up very nicely using the aluminium foil and baking soda method. Unfortunately, it has a small spot of plate loss on the head where some previous owner must of over polished it. I like the look of it otherwise, and wouldn't want to replate it. There are so many of these old razors with cracked handles that I figure I could get one with a good cap on it for cheap. My question is, will caps from any other razors fit the single ring? Here's a picture.


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Hi. I came into a Single Ring from 1914. It was nearly black, but it cleaned up very nicely using the aluminium foil and baking soda method. Unfortunately, it has a small spot of plate loss on the head where some previous owner must of over polished it. I like the look of it otherwise, and wouldn't want to replate it. There are so many of these old razors with cracked handles that I figure I could get one with a good cap on it for cheap. My question is, will caps from any other razors fit the single ring? Here's a picture.


The single ring appears to be in fine condition for its age. Plate loss on the top cap or anywhere else in the razor this old is quite common. As long as the handle is not cracked or the teeth are not bent, enjoy your razor and the shaves! If you're quite particular about getting a top cap without plate loss, then please do wait until you hit the required 50 post mark and then post a WTB in the Buy/Sell/Thread section.
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I've got a 1911 Single Ring with a brassy spot on the head cap. I figure that even if I found a replacement, I wouldn't switch it out after 102 years as a set.
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