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Mystery Soap Identification!

Hey everyone, recently I was given a generous PIF from alabamalawyer. Among the PIF items was an unidentified puck of soap. I gave this mystery soap a try recently and it was really good! I'd really like to find out what kind it is so that when the time comes I will be able to buy more. Can anyone help?

Here is the description as best I can do:
It is approximately the same size and shape at L'Occitane Cade.
There are no letters or identifying marks anywhere on the soap.
The only mark is an indentation on the bottom. Probably from its original container.
It is about the same color as Cade.
It smells like those hotel bars of face soap.
Here are some pictures.
Hey everyone, recently I was given a generous PIF from alabamalawyer. Among the PIF items was an unidentified puck of soap. I gave this mystery soap a try recently and it was really good! I'd really like to find out what kind it is so that when the time comes I will be able to buy more. Can anyone help?

Here is the description as best I can do:
It is approximately the same size and shape at L'Occitane Cade.
There are no letters or identifying marks anywhere on the soap.
The only mark is an indentation on the bottom. Probably from its original container.
It is about the same color as Cade.
It smells like those hotel bars of face soap.
Here are some pictures.

Not an awful lot to go on. Gold-Dachs, maybe? Total guess, based (mostly) on your description of the scent.
Coming from Chris, and knowing how much he loves buying stuff from Jim, I would bet that that is a puck of the Vintage blades Shave soap, which I believe is the same as the Trufitt and hill shave soap. Please ignore that the previous is a long, run on sentence. I never did well with Grammar.
Coming from Chris, and knowing how much he loves buying stuff from Jim, I would bet that that is a puck of the Vintage blades Shave soap, which I believe is the same as the Trufitt and hill shave soap. Please ignore that the previous is a long, run on sentence. I never did well with Grammar.

Or, the Cryil Salter shave soap, same as T&H as well.
Coming from Chris, and knowing how much he loves buying stuff from Jim, I would bet that that is a puck of the Vintage blades Shave soap, which I believe is the same as the Trufitt and hill shave soap. Please ignore that the previous is a long, run on sentence. I never did well with Grammar.

It could also be Cyril R. Salter Shaving Soap, which has a mild lavender scent. It's also said to be the same thing as Trufitt and Hill Shaving Soap.
Coming from Chris, and knowing how much he loves buying stuff from Jim, I would bet that that is a puck of the Vintage blades Shave soap, which I believe is the same as the Trufitt and hill shave soap. Please ignore that the previous is a long, run on sentence. I never did well with Grammar.

Or, the Cryil Salter shave soap, same as T&H as well.

It could also be Cyril R. Salter Shaving Soap, which has a mild lavender scent. It's also said to be the same thing as Trufitt and Hill Shaving Soap.

I received one of these from alabamalawyer once, too. It looks just like the one I received, which was a prototype of what is now the Vintage Blades house soap. That little molded indentation on the bottom and the light lavender scent is the giveaway.

I think it's all made by a company in England that starts with a "C," but I can't remember the name. Made on the same line as many other soaps, with the same molds, but some of them have different formulations.

It's an excellent performer, that's for sure, and one of my favorites.
You might be thinking of Culmak, which this soap is supposed to be like too. Not sure if there is a definite answer on who makes the soap.
Culmak is the company which actually manufactures this soap. T&H, VintageBlades, Cyril Salter, and Vulfix are all rebranded Culmak.
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Culmak is the company which actually manufactures this soap. T&H, VintageBlades, Cyril Salter, and Vulfix are all rebranded Culmak.

I have ingredients list for several of the products above, and they are not all identical (I think other threads may have said the same) but the moulds are ......
Culmak is the company which actually manufactures this soap. T&H, VintageBlades, Cyril Salter, and Vulfix are all rebranded Culmak.

I was going to say Vulfix, as I have a piece that was according to the seller - an English pharmacy: "Vulfix, old original" and it looks exactly like the one in the picture. Came without a container, btw.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate all the excellent responses.
So it sounds like the consensus is that this soap is one of several possible Culmak soaps.
So in the future I should look at purchasing Culmak, T&H, VintageBlades, Cyril Salter, or Vulfix soaps.
Is there any way to further narrow down which one it might be? Smell? Color?
Thanks again guys!
Thanks guys! I really appreciate all the excellent responses.
So it sounds like the consensus is that this soap is one of several possible Culmak soaps.
So in the future I should look at purchasing Culmak, T&H, VintageBlades, Cyril Salter, or Vulfix soaps.
Is there any way to further narrow down which one it might be? Smell? Color?
Thanks again guys!

Have you asked Chris? He's on here every day.
With all the shopping he does at VintageBlades, I'm fairly confident that is what it is. In any case, if you enjoy it, that's all that matters.
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